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Morning Briefing September 17: Grieving Family Publicly Petitions 1 News


Faunau, New Zealand, is saddened for the second time in a few weeks after the death of another loved one in Covid-19.

Nigel Willa Matehiko Source: 1 News

Respected historian Nigel Te Hiko, 54 years old, Died at Waikato HospitalIt’s been about two weeks since my brother Alain lost his fight against the virus.

Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, director of health, confirmed Tehiko’s death yesterday and issued a statement on behalf of his family.

“The coronavirus is real.” Be cautious and cautious, “it read. The family also pleads with Kiwi to seek advice if they are ill at home.

that is Another school closes the door After a student’s Covid-19 test was positive.

Chapel Downs Elementary School in South Auckland states that students were tested positive for the virus after attending school on Monday morning. The school will resume next week.

The economic impact from Covid-19 was revealed yesterday as the Treasury announced the Pre-Election Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (PREFU).

New Zealand’s short-term economic outlook “Not negative” than previously expected, The medium-term outlook is deteriorating.

Currently, the unemployment rate is expected to peak at 7.8% in the March 2022 quarter, down 2% from the May forecast.

Treasury predicts house prices will fall next year, but RNZ has realtors and buyers Already shrugged those predictions..

Finance Minister Grant Robertson said the unaudited country accounts by June 2020 showed an “economic recovery” with core tax revenues that “showed more activity than expected.”

However, the public claims that labor is trying to cover very dark numbers with sugar. Leader Judith Collins says economic update It will be “very miserable reading”With the addition of government, that “yo-yo” lockdown “has a lot to answer.”

New Zealand’s first leader, Winston Peters, said PREFU is a “call for awakening for New Zealanders” and will strengthen the need for experienced government personnel.

Summarized what economists think about PREFU here, The consensus seems to be a pandemic effect for some time.

New report from the Salvation Army Shows that national communities working on the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic are seeking mental health, housing and income support.

More than 500 people were surveyed in Rotorua, Johnsonville and Queenstown, raising concerns about access to mental health services in all three regions.

The report found increased levels of stress and anxiety, and existing problems were exacerbated by people’s loss of income and housing problems.

Complete report You can find it here..

Vaccination issues reported

While the world waits for the Covid-19 vaccine 2 reviews It highlights some major failures within New Zealand’s vaccination system.

A record number of people were vaccinated in this year’s flu campaign, reaching hundreds during last year’s measles outbreak, but serious problems were identified by both distribution chains and official contacts. Was done.

Health Minister Chris Hypkins states that steps have been taken to resolve these issues.

Released by National $ 800 Million Plan for Health Before the election next month.

If the party is elected, they have promised a capital increase in Pharmac, the establishment of a rare disease fund, and a dedicated cancer drug fund.

National also wants to add a primary care navigator (non-clinical front-line staff) to all general practice at a cost of $ 64 million annually.

A “major milestone” has been reached in the ongoing recovery operation of the Paik River mine on the west coast.

An important area of ​​forensic research has been achieved for the first time since the mine explosion about 10 years ago.

The government is now Overview of next steps For the investigation, he was welcomed by a family of 29 men who lost their lives in the mine.

Other news to watch this morning:

-The number of Covid-19 cases in India Soared over 5 million, The second highest in the world after the United States.

-Most New Zealanders I don’t want to lower the minimum voting age to 16According to the TVNZ voting compass.

-New Zealand’s first leader, Winston Peters, said Refused the offer Join forces from the controversial Advanced New Zealand Party.

-A man who was given compassionate bail to attend a funeral Handed over to the police After failing to return to the previously agreed Mountain Eden Prison in Auckland.

-Overseas investment office Approve Microsoft Plan Build a huge cloud computing data center in Auckland.

-Auckland Principal Seeking empathy From a potential employer who will see the “Applicant’s 14 Years Old” report in the future.

-And Kiwi returning home Vote on the phone This election during controlled isolation.

Oh, love. It’s hard to find. Unless it’s a Gentoo penguin, that’s right.

These guys know everything about romance. The penguins courtship ritual is underway again at the Kelly Tarton Aquarium in Auckland, primarily with the gifting of pebbles to eye-catching birds.

However, although Gentoo is mainly a monogamous creature, Everything is still fair in love and war On the ice …


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