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AngioDynamics announces the commercial launch of the Auryon Atherectomy system in the United States. business


Latham, NY-(BUSINESS WIRE)-September 21, 2020-

AngioDynamics, Inc. (NASDAQ: ANGO) is a leading provider of innovative, minimally invasive medical devices for vascular access, peripheral vascular disease, and oncology, and today’s newly developed and innovative therapeutic technology. Announced the launch of the Auryon Atherectomy System. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) including Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) and In-Stent Restenosis (ISR)

The Auryon Atherectomy System uses innovative technology to enable powerful treatment of PAD lesions and occlusions. The Auryon Atherectomy System is the first laser atherectomy system to efficiently treat lesions of any type, length, or location (above or below the knee) with minimal impact on the vessel wall. The 1Auryon Atherectomy System is approved for the treatment of PAD and the FDA for the treatment of subgroin stenosis and occlusion, including ISR.

“We strongly believe that the Auryon Atherectomy System is a major change in the treatment of PAD and represents a true technological advance in the treatment of these widespread lethal conditions,” said Angio Dynamics President and CEO. Said Jim Clemmer. “There has been a very positive response from early users of the Orion system and the market and region are expanding rapidly. AngioDynamics is proud to make the Auryon Atherectomy system and its solid-state laser technology available to providers and patients across the country. I am thinking.”

The underlying technology of the Aurion Atelectomy System has been shown in clinical studies to be effective in treating lesions from soft plaques to severe calcifications 1,2. The system uses a 355 nm wavelength laser platform, which minimizes the risk of perforation and maintains the ability to evaporate lesions without thermal ablation, while short UVs with targeted biological reactions that are effective in treating PAD. Allows the use of laser pulses 3,4. During the Auryon Atherectomy System Pivot Trial, 0% targeted lesion revascularization (TLR) was shown 6 months and 2 years after being treated for ISR.

“Over the last two decades, intravascular procedures for treating peripheral arterial disease (PAD) have seen a significant increase, especially when amputation is required,” said Venkatesh Ramaiah, MD. .. Lesions and intrastent restenosis gave excellent results without perforation, embolism, or other major complications. The solid-state, long wavelength, short pulse approach differentiates Auryon lasers as a more efficient option across a wide range of plaque morphologies. This technology has the potential to save limbs and improve the quality of life for patients who generally suffer from PAD. “

The Auryon Atherectomy system features suction and offset capabilities at specific catheter sizes, allowing clinicians to address the risk of embolization while meeting the needs of PAD non-surgical intervention options, including ISR and CLI. All lesion type 1 can be treated. .. According to the American Heart Association, PAD affects 8.5 million Americans and 200 million people each year5.

The launch of the Orion Atherectomy System On the site, visitors can learn about the science behind the Orion Atherectomy system, read recent case studies, and access videos to explore the technology behind the Orion Atherectomy system.

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About AngioDynamics, Inc.

AngioDynamics, Inc. is a leading provider of innovative, minimally invasive medical devices used by specialized healthcare providers for vascular access, peripheral vascular disease and oncology. AngioDynamics’ diverse product line includes market-leading ablation systems, vascular access products, angiography products and accessories, drainage products, thrombolytic products and venous products. For more information


  1. Rundback J, Chandra P, Brodmann M, etc. New laser-based catheter for peripheral atherectomy: 6-month results from the Eximo Medical B-Laser ™ IDE study. Catheter and cardiovascular intervention.. 2019; 94 (7): 1010-1017. doi: 10.1002 / ccd.28435
  2. Acute and 30-day B-Laser TM from Eximo Medical, a new atherectomy device, in subjects with subgroin peripheral arterial disease such as Shanmas NW, Chandra P, Brodmann M, Winestock B, Sediro G, and Kawitch I. Safety and efficacy assessment: EXPAD-03 study results. Cardiovas Revasc Med.. 2020; 21 (1): 86-92
  3. Herzog A, Bogdan S, Glikson M, Ishaaya AA, Love C. Selective tissue ablation using a 355 nm laser beam for lead extraction with a hybrid catheter. Preliminary report. Laser surgeon.. 2016; 48 (3): 281-287
  4. Vogel A, Venogopalan V. Mechanism of pulsed laser ablation of biological tissues. Chem Rev.. 2003; 103 (2): 577-644
  5. American Heart Association-PAD resource. Published in 2019. Accessed on July 27, 2020.

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AngioDynamics, Inc.

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AngioDynamics, Inc.

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Keywords: New York, United States, North America

Industry Keywords: Health Surgery Heart Disease Medical Devices

Source: AngioDynamics, Inc.

Copyright Business Wire 2020.

PUB: 09/21/2020 08: 00 AM / DISC: 09/21/2020 08:01 AM

Copyright Business Wire 2020.


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