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Coronavirus not caught in newspapers or packaging, WHO confirms


Health experts and the World Health Organization (WHO) have confirmed that newspapers cannot send Covid-19.

“For now, it’s important for people to access public health information through newspapers,” said Hillary Jones, a speaker on Good Morning Britain.

Dr. Jones emphasized that they are essential services and “it is possible to deliver newspapers safely.”

“If someone physically picks up and delivers it to the front door or letterbox, it’s safe.”

And a statement from the WHO confirmed it.

“Infected individuals are less likely to contaminate the goods and have a lower risk of migrating the virus that causes COVID-19 from packages that have been moved, moved, and exposed to various conditions and temperatures.”

About the whole live update Visit the live blog for Coronavirus pandemic days.

Newspapers are safe and risk of transmission is “low”
(Image: Adam Gerrard / Daily Mirror)

Virologist George Lomonosov of the John Innes Independent Research Center in Norwich uses molecular biology to understand the properties of the virus.

He said: “Newspapers are fairly sterile because of the way they are printed and the process they have gone through to be produced.

“Traditionally, people have eaten fish and chips for that reason.

For those who are concerned about being infected with the coronavirus in the UK, the UK Public Health Service has provided advice on how to self-isolate.

1. Stay at home: Do not leave the house unless you need medical care. Ask for help or buy a grocery purchase.

2. Keep away from roommates: Keep the door closed and keep away from others in a well-ventilated room. Wear a face mask when using a separate bathroom and sharing areas.

3. Call in advance before visiting the doctor so that the doctor can take additional precautionary measures.

4. Cover coughs and sneezing. Be sure to cover your nose and mouth and discard the disposable tissue in a plastic trash bag.

5. Wash your hands regularly: This should be done frequently and completely with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Rinse and dry completely.

6. Avoid sharing household items. Plates, cups, cups, dishes, towels, bedding and other items should not be shared with others when used. Rinse thoroughly with soapy water after use.

7. Do not put visitors in the house.

8. If possible, keep away from pets.

9. Keep your clothes clean: wash at the highest possible temperature and clean all surfaces around the washing machine.

10. Monitor your symptoms: If you are getting sick, for example if you have difficulty breathing, or if someone who is taking care of your symptoms is getting worse, see a doctor immediately.

“Thus, all inks and prints actually make them very sterile. The potential is negligible.”

Reassurance extends to Royal Mail and Amazon packages.

In countries where coronavirus levels are high, newspapers remain a part of everyday life. Even in the worst hit areas of the world, including Italy and China, newspapers have continued to publish to maintain this public service.

Fish and chips were traditionally wrapped in newspapers (stock photo)
(Image: Getty)

Food delivery services such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats offer the opportunity to choose “ non-contact ” delivery in the hood while still outside the door to limit interactions with humans that can spread fatal bugs Serving customers.

Deaths from the UK Coronavirus It reached 1,019 yesterday and that number is expected to increase significantly in the coming days.

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Coronavirus outbreak

People with underlying illness are considered to be at greatest risk for pneumonia-like virus, but 13 out of 260 people who died between Friday and Saturday were completely healthy.

Further updates on the UK fatalities are expected later today.

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