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COVID-19 Indoor Transmission: How to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in homes and offices caused by ventilation systems


A group of researchers at the University of Cambridge argue that certain types of ventilation systems may promote the spread of COVID-19 indoors, but they may not.

COVID-19 Indoor Transmission: How to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in homes and offices caused by ventilation systems

Structure and cross-sectional view of human coronavirus. Shows the shape and cross section of the coronavirus. The image shows key elements such as spike S protein, HE protein, viral envelope, and helical RNA.Image Credit: Wikipedia

COVID-19 is a respiratory organ when in direct contact with an infected person (coughing, sneezing, talking), or when touching the face after touching a doorknob, railing, or even a contaminated object (parameter). It can spread through droplets. A thermometer used by an infected person.

Previous studies have suggested that SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the new coronavirus disease, may remain on the surface at various time intervals, from hours to weeks, depending on the material. .. Also, so far it has been shown to stay in the air for about 3 hours, but there is still much debate about airborne propagation.

According to some studies and outbreaks, the virus may spread more quickly in confined spaces such as workplaces and restaurants compared to outdoor spaces, mainly due to increased exposure and reduced spread of droplets. It is shown that there is. One such study found that 10 people in 3 families were infected when sitting directly in the airflow line with the presymptomatic and air-conditioned, but everyone else in the cafeteria was affected. I didn’t receive it.

Studies published in JAMA Internal Medicine At the beginning of September, he also explained how aerial propagation in closed air-conditioned buses led to the outbreak and why masks are important in a closed indoor environment.

Currently, a group of researchers at the University of Cambridge argue that certain types of ventilation systems can promote the spread of COVID-19 indoors, but others cannot.

This study is published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal Journal of Fluid Mechanics..

Two types of ventilation system

In this study, researchers explained that there are two types of ventilation systems: mixed ventilation and replacement ventilation.

The mixed ventilation system used in most offices has inlet and outlet ducts that are arranged to help keep the condition throughout the area uniform. However, this is what causes respiratory droplets, and therefore the virus also spreads throughout.

In replacement ventilation, on the other hand, ducts are placed above and below the room. This creates a cold lower zone below while warm air travels towards the ceiling and is expelled through the outlet duct. Our exhaled breath is warm, so it goes to the upper zone and is expelled. If the boundary between the cold zone and the warm zone is high enough, it is less likely to be inhaled by others.

“To model how a coronavirus or similar virus spreads indoors, we need to know where breathing goes when we exhale and how ventilation changes it,” he said. Professor Paul Linden of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, who is the principal investigator of the research, said. Cambridge University Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in a Cambridge University News Release. “These data can be used to estimate the risk of catching a virus indoors,” he said.

The authors also suggested that, if properly designed, a replacement ventilation system could prevent cross-mixing of air and thus the spread of the virus.

More ways to maintain ventilation

The World Health Organization has proposed some of the following methods to improve ventilation of indoor spaces and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Whenever possible, use natural ventilation instead of mechanical ventilation.
  • If you are using mechanical ventilation, increase the percentage of outside air to 100%.
  • Install an exhaust fan in the washroom and make sure it is functioning properly.
  • Clean the air filter and vents regularly.
  • If possible, increase the total airflow supply in the area.

For more information How COVID-19 spreads..

The Firstpost Health article was created by, India’s first and largest resource for validated medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all the information about health.

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