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The world’s first HIV-cured patient dies after cancer recurrence


London (Reuters)-Timothy Ray Brown, who was first known to have healed HIV when he received a unique type of bone marrow transplant, died in California after a recurrence of cancer, his partner said. It was.

File Photo: Timothy Ray Brown, also known as the “Patient in Berlin,” smiles at a press conference at the World AIDS Institute in Washington on July 24, 2012. Brown is believed to be the first patient to be cured of HIV infection.Reuters / Kevin Lamarck

“It’s very sad to announce that Timothy has died … I was surrounded by friends and me this afternoon after a five-month fight against leukemia,” said his partner Tim.・ Hefgen states in a Facebook post. He said Brown was his “hero” and “the sweetest person in the world.”

Born March 11, 1966, Brown became known as a “patient in Berlin” after HIV was removed by treatment there in 2007.

The American case faintly offered hope that not only patients infected with the virus that causes AIDS, but also a generation of HIV doctors would be fascinated and stimulated, and one day a cure could be found to end the AIDS pandemic. ..

Adiba Kamalluzaman, President of the International AIDS Society (IAS), said:

Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1995 when he lived in the German capital, and in 2006 he was also diagnosed with a type of blood cancer known as acute myeloid leukemia.

Brown has not been infected with HIV for more than 10 years after treatment, but has suffered from a recurrence of leukemia over the past year. His doctor said the blood cancer had spread to his spine and brain, and he was recently receiving hospice care in his hometown of Palm Springs, California.

“I’m afraid my hero is gone. Tim was really the sweetest person in the world,” Hoeffgen said in a Facebook post. He said Brown talked about his HIV treatment and made “becoming an ambassador of hope” a job in his life.

For Huetter, a German doctor who took care of him in 2007, Brown’s case was shot in the dark. Treatment included disruption of Brown’s immune system and transplantation of stem cells with a gene mutation called CCR5 that resists HIV.

Only a small percentage of people (mostly of Northern European descent) have a CCR5 mutation that makes them resistant to the virus that causes AIDS.

Due to this and other factors, Brown’s treatment was expensive, complex and extremely dangerous. Most experts state that many HIV patients are at risk of dying from the procedure itself and cannot be a method of treating all HIV patients.

Today, more than 37 million people are infected with HIV worldwide, and the AIDS pandemic has killed about 35 million people since it began in the 1980s.

Medical advances over the last three decades have led to the development of a combination of drugs known as antiretroviral therapies that suppress the virus and allow many HIV-positive people to live with the virus for years.

A second HIV patient, Adam Castigejo, who was known as a “London patient” until he was identified this year, relieved of HIV after receiving a transplant in 2016, like Brown. It is believed that there is.

Sharon Lewin, chairman-elect of IAS and HIV specialist at the Doherty Institute in Australia, said Brown is a “champion and advocate” for keeping HIV treatment on the agenda.

“It is the hope of the scientific community that one day we will be able to respect his legacy with a safe, cost-effective and widely available strategy for achieving HIV remission and cure.”

Report by Kate Keland, edited by Gareth Jones and Nick McPhee


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