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BJD, Congress leaders are looting and responsible for poor people's syndrome in rich Odisha state: PM Modi

BJD, Congress leaders are looting and responsible for poor people's syndrome in rich Odisha state: PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses an election rally in poll-bound Odisha on May 6, 2024. Photo: X/@BJP4India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses an election rally in poll-bound Odisha on May 6, 2024. Photo: X/@BJP4India

Blaming the Biju Janata Dal government led by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik for the prevailing poverty despite abundant mineral resources in Odisha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said the Bharatiya Janata Party would surely come to power in the state by next month, because the people would not spare the current one. diet for his sin.

Launching an all-out attack on the state government at a public meeting held in Berhampur, Mr. Modi asserted, for the first time, that a two-engine government would be in place in Odisha, one at the Center and another in the state. Mark my words, June 4 will be the expiry date of the BJD government. On June 6, the BJP will name its new chief minister. The swearing-in ceremony of the new BJP government will take place on June 10.

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I invite everyone to the swearing-in ceremony of the next BJP government in Odisha, the Prime Minister said to loud applause from supporters.

In Odisha, the decline of the BJD is imminent, the Congress is collapsing and people are assured of the BJP, which has new aspirations, he noted.

The Congress has been ruling Odisha for 50 years while the BJD has been in power for 25 years. The state has immense water resources, fertile land, abundant mineral reserves and a long coastline. Why have people in rich Odisha remained poor? Who committed the sin? The answer is looting first by the Congress and then by the BJD leaders, Mr. Modi charged.

The Prime Minister continued: The middle leaders of the BJD have become owners of big bungalows. Why are so many people resorting to distress migration in the CM’s own constituency? Why are the majority of doctor positions vacant? Why do students drop out during school? There are no adequate refrigeration facilities in Hinjili in the CM's Assembly constituency, nor irrigation facilities.

There is no shortage of funds in our budget for the development of Odishas. The Manmohan Singh government had given 1 lakh crore to Odisha during its 10 years of rule. Our government has given 3.5 lakh in the last 10 years. The BJD government either does not implement social programs belonging to the central government, nor does it appropriate these programs as its own. And above all, he engages in enormous corruption, he says.

The BJD government is implementing the Centre's free rice scheme in its own name. Why did they resort to treason? Because they did nothing, said the Prime Minister.

He praised Odisha BJP for releasing a visionary manifesto keeping in mind the future of youth, health of senior citizens and farmers.

The BJP should be given the opportunity to serve the people of Odisha. In the state where the BJP was given the opportunity to serve, the development process has accelerated at an unprecedented speed. Tripura was destroyed by 30 years of communist rule and Congress government. In 2018, people chose the BJP and impressed by its performance, they once again brought the BJP government to Tripura. Uttar Pradesh and Assam are progressing at a rapid pace thanks to the BJP governments in these states, Mr. Modi observed.




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