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France: RSF protests against the visit of Xi Jinping, one of the world's main predators of press freedom

France: RSF protests against the visit of Xi Jinping, one of the world's main predators of press freedom


The police quickly intervened to stop the RSF operation in Paris and ordered the truck driver to turn off the screen displaying the names of the detained Chinese journalists. The police also went to the truck company's headquarters to search for the vehicle, which could be seen as an attempt at intimidation.

President Xi Jinping, in power since 2012, has restored a media culture worthy of the Maoist era, when freely accessing information had become a crime and providing information an even greater crime, as a report reveals. RSF. The big step backwards in journalism in China, which details Beijing's strategy for controlling access to information within and beyond its borders. Its sophisticated Internet censorship system, the Great Firewall, keeps a billion Chinese Internet users further away from the world while an army of censors scrutinize private messages, looking for allegedly subversive content.

Chinese media and Internet companies, whether state-owned or private, are required to follow the Chinese Communist Party's instructions regarding subjects deemed sensitiveincluding Tibet, corruption, social unrest, dissidents, etc. The Propaganda Department of the Chinese Community Party sends a daily newsletter to the media list of topics to highlight and another list of subjects that they must not discuss under penalty of sanction.

Since 2016, on behalf of fight against terrorismThe Beijing regime is waging a violent campaign of repression against the Turkish-speaking Muslim population, mainly Uyghurs, in the northwestern autonomous region of Xinjiang, which is accompanied by an unprecedented media blockade.

The stifling of press freedom in Hong Kong

26 years after the handover of Hong Kong to China, press freedom is experiencing an unprecedented decline in the territory. Since the adoption of the national security law by the Chinese regime in June 2020, the Hong Kong government lead an unprecedented campaign against the right to information, which resulted in the prosecution of at least 28 journalists and press freedom defenders, 10 of whom are currently detained, including the publisher Jimmy Laiwho faces the rest of his life behind bars on trumped-up national security charges, in what turned out to be a sham trial orchestrated by Beijing.

On April 10, RSF representative Aleksandra Bielakowska was detained, searched and interrogated for six hours at Hong Kong International Airport before being expelled from the territory. This attempt to prevent an RSF representative from entering Hong Kong, a first in the history of the organization, met with strong opposition from the European Parliament, which adopted a resolution denouncing the Hong Kong authorities obstacles to trial monitoring, no less than two weeks after this unfortunate incident.

Hong Kong ranks 135th out of 180 in terms of FSR World Press Freedom Index 2024, after falling from 18th place in two decades. China itself ranks 172nd out of 180 countries and territories assessed.




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