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Testosterone: Coronavirus can deplete testosterone levels and men can experience “decreased libido”


Dubai: COVID-19 disease May make men worse Testosterone levelsAccording to a new study that says low levels of hormones may be the cause Poor prognosis Following the positive test of the novel Coronavirus.. The study published in the journal The Aging Male testosterone Baseline levels are reduced in men and their probability of being in the intensive care unit (ICU) It will increase significantly.

According to the lead author of the study, Selahittin Cayan, the professor of urology University of MersingIt has already been reported that low testosterone levels after a positive SARS-CoV-2 test can lead to poor prognosis, the first to show that COVID-19 itself depletes testosterone. It’s a study.

scientist The findings believe that men can explain why men have a worse prognosis than women with COVID-19, and thus help to discover the potential for improved clinical outcomes using testosterone-based therapy. ..

They said testosterone is associated with the respiratory immune system and low levels of hormones can increase the risk of respiratory infections.

“Lower testosterone is also associated with infection-related hospitalization and death from all causes in men in ICU patients, so testosterone treatment may have more benefits than improving COVID-19 outcomes. “Cayan explained.

The study found that mean total testosterone decreased as the severity of COVID-19 increased.

“Mean total testosterone levels were significantly lower in the ICU group than in the asymptomatic group. In addition, mean total testosterone levels were significantly lower in the ICU group. Intermediate care unit Group “.

The researchers said mean serum follicle-stimulating hormone levels were significantly higher in the ICU group than in the asymptomatic group.

“Hypongadism, a condition in which the body does not produce enough testosterone), was found in 113 (51.1 percent) of male patients,” Cayan said.

Patients who died had significantly lower mean total testosterone than those who were alive, according to the researchers.

However, they said that even 65.2 percent of the 46 male patients who were asymptomatic had “decreased libido.”

Scientists evaluated a total of 438 patients, including 232 men, each confirming SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory.

They performed a detailed analysis of the patient’s medical history, performed a complete physical examination, and performed laboratory and radiographic examinations on all patients.

The cohort study was divided into three groups: asymptomatic patients (46), symptomatic patients admitted to the internal medicine unit (129), and patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) (46).

In patients (24) who underwent serum gonadal hormone testing prior to COVID-19, scientists stated that total serum testosterone levels were significantly reduced from pre-COVID-19 levels.

“It is advisable to also test testosterone levels when diagnosing COVID-19. In men with low levels of COVID-19-positive sex hormones, testosterone treatment may improve prognosis. Further research is needed. “,” Kayan said.

Citing the limits of the study, the researchers said they did not include controls for patients with conditions other than COVID-19.

They said this was due to restrictions imposed on the hospital where they were monitoring the patient.

Future studies will need to determine the concentration level of ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2), an enzyme that attaches to the cell membranes of cells in the intestine, in relation to total testosterone levels, researchers say.

Memory loss, swollen feet, and erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign that your heart is at risk …

Identifying hidden factors

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in India. Individuals experiencing a variety of lifestyle conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity due to lack of physical activity, dyslipidemia, and even indulgence in smoking, can be one of the risk factors for CVD.

In 2016, the prevalence of CVD in India was estimated to be approximately 55 million. An astonishing proportion of these cases remains undiagnosed until serious.

Shooting pain in the chest and left arm is a clear sign that doctors have pointed out over the years, but there are many other symptoms to watch out for.

On World Heart Day, Dr. HP Bharathi, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Jindal Nature Cure Institute, lists hidden risk factors.

Swelling of the legs

If you notice visible swelling in your feet, it is a serious sign of heart problems. Swelling is a clear sign of poor circulation. When blood slowly drains from the heart, it backs up the blood that has returned to the heart. This causes accumulation in the legs, ankles, and tissues around the foot.

Referred pain

Pain from heart problems can also be felt outside the chest. It’s when the pain signal running down your nerves begins to overwhelm all nearby nerves. Most patients experience referred pain at some point before the condition becomes severe. Referred pain due to heart problems is usually felt on the shoulders, neck and chin of the arms.

Physical struggle

If you are struggling to finish a non-intrusive physical task, it is a sign of a cardiovascular problem. You may feel short of breath as you climb the stairs, or you may need to rest more often while exercising. If this sounds familiar, it may indicate that the heart is unable to supply oxygen-rich blood to the muscles.


If you notice the idea of ​​becoming muddy and confusing, it may indicate that your brain is not getting enough blood. If left unaddressed, it can damage brain cells and cause serious problems such as short-term memory loss. Regular episodes show that there are underlying medical problems that require serious treatment.


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