Coronavirus vaccine may only be given to half of the British-this is the priority
Less than half of the British eventually Coronavirus Vaccines, said the head of the national vaccine task force.
Kate Bingham said Financial Times Authorities wanted to be able to administer the drug to about 30 million adults in about 67 million countries.
It sheds new light on Boris Johnson’s recurring pledge to deploy the vaccine once approved.
The UK has booked hundreds of millions of doses from various plans, and the prime minister said yesterday that “significant advances in vaccines could be expected this year.”
“I went to see the AstraZeneca scientists in Oxford and their team that seemed to be doing great.”
However, Mr. Bingham cautioned. She told FT: “People continue to talk about’time to vaccinate the entire population’, but it’s going in the wrong direction.
Scroll down to read the entire priority list.
“There is no vaccination for people under the age of 18.
“This is an adult-only vaccine for health care workers, care workers, and people over the age of 50 with a focus on the vulnerable.”
Government officials claim that the new vaccine production and innovation center will be able to produce sufficient doses for the entire UK population in just six months.
However, it does not guarantee that everyone in the UK will be vaccinated. At least they may not be able to get vaccinated immediately.
The government’s current “prioritization” list aims to vaccinate the entire population, but only as the least urgent priority. Over 50 years old, at-risk groups, NHS and caregivers are all top priorities.
Government sources emphasized that “the scale of what is deployed and when” depends on which vaccine works.
“At this stage, there is no certainty in the development, manufacture, formulation and timing of new vaccines,” they added, adding that the government needs to “maintain flexibility.”
Health Minister Matt Hancock said yesterday that the military would be involved in the deployment of vaccines next year.
He wanted the country to have “as normal Christmas as possible” and to make a breakthrough with vaccines in the spring.
The Army helps the NHS start with frontline workers and deliver life-saving shots to the most vulnerable.
Ministers previously said they wanted the vaccine to be developed by Christmas, but the director of health was not optimistic.
A government spokesperson said: “We want as many people as possible to have access to the Covid-19 vaccine, and we are considering the advice of an independent joint committee for vaccination and vaccination prioritized by groups of people. ..
“The Commission’s tentative advice is that vaccines are first given to caregiver residents and staff, then to people over the age of 80 and health care and social welfare workers, then by age and risk. It should be given to the rest of us.
“A huge amount of planning and preparation is underway throughout the government to expedite the rapid deployment of safe and effective vaccines.”
Whole priority list
On September 25, the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization created a “provisional” list to prioritize coronavirus vaccines.
The 10 priority groups include the oldest at-risk groups and NHS and caregivers before the age gradually declines to cover over 50 years.
The remaining population under the age of 50 is behind the queue at that time.
JCVI emphasizes that this advice can change dramatically as more is known about vaccines.
This can include impacts at different ages and risk groups. How the virus spreads in society.
“This advice presupposes the availability of vaccines that are safe and effective for all age groups and have a moderate impact on infection,” said JCVI.
“Based on the information provided, the Commission agreed that it is not possible at this time to establish a firm position with respect to priority groups.”
- Elderly people living in long-term care facilities and long-term care workers
- Everyone over 80 years old and health and social welfare workers
- Everyone over 75 years old
- Everyone over 70
- Everyone over 65
- High-risk adults under 65
- Middle-risk adults under 65
- Everyone over 60
- Everyone over 55
- Everyone over 50
- Remaining population (priority undecided)
Who is “at risk” on the priority list?
Such conditions include the following (although this list may be updated near the time of vaccination):
- Solid Organ Transplant Recipient
- Blood cancer
- Specific neurological state
- Chronic kidney disease
- Immunosuppression
- dementia
- stroke
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Chronic lung disease
- Obesity (BMI> 40)
- Malignant tumor
- Liver disease
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