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2020 World Sight Day: Add these six vitamin C-rich fruits to your diet to improve eye health


World Vision Day 2020: Vitamin C is one of the most influential antioxidants for our body


  • World Sight Day is celebrated on the second Thursday of October every year
  • This year will be marked on October 8, 2020
  • We bring you some natural food options that can help feed your eyes

2020 Sight Day: As the use of mobile phones, televisions and other electronic devices increases, poor eyesight is one of today’s major concerns. Almost all of us stare at phones and laptops most of the time for both work and entertainment purposes. In fact, we don’t provide any kind of rest in our eyes. This also introduces stress that leads to some eye-related problems. In addition to these lifestyle issues, increased levels of pollution and malnutrition / undernourishment play a major role in deteriorating eye health. Therefore, health professionals around the world often recommend daily balanced nutrition to enhance vision and overall eye health.

World Vision Day is celebrated around the world on the second Thursday of October each year to raise people’s awareness of blindness, vision impairment and other eye-related problems. This year will be marked on October 8, 2020. According to the World Health Organization, “1 billion people around the world have preventable vision impairment, or something that has not yet been addressed. Poor or lack of vision can be serious and long-term-everyday. Permanent impact on all aspects of life, including personal activities, community interaction, school and work opportunities, and access to public services. “

This 2020 World Sight Day, we bring you some Natural food Options that can help feed your eyes. In the same way, consultant nutritionist Lupari Datta said, “There are several vitamins that help keep your eyes healthy. One such example is vitamin C, which is abundant in our daily diet and It is one of the most influential antioxidants in our body .. In addition to maintaining overall health, Vitamin C reduces the risk of developing cataracts. It also maintains corneal collagen. Helps to do. “

In addition, some studies speculate that regular intake of vitamin C may reduce the risk of cataracts and vision loss due to macular degeneration.

“Some of the things rich in vitamin C fruit Citrus fruits, amla, papaya, tomatoes, guava and mango can be included in a regular diet, “added Datta.

Read again: Vitamins to Improve Eyesight: Foods That Help Nourish Your Eyes

9osk0rfoThere are several vitamins that can help keep your eyes healthy

2020 World Sight Day: Find out why these fruits are good for eye health:

1. Citrus fruits:

Fruits like Lemon, Sweet lime, orange, etc. are excellent sources of vitamin C that enhance eye function. It also prevents eye inflammation.

2. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):

According to Ayurvedic expert RamN Kumar, “Amla It not only boosts immunity, but also helps strengthen eyesight. Some studies have further shown that carotene in Amla improves vision and promotes overall eye health.

3. Papaya:

papaya Contains antioxidants and beta-carotene to help with eye health and vision. In addition, papaya contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to protect the eyes from UV rays.

4. Tomato:

Main contents of Tomato It is a compound called lutein and lycopene. These carotenoids can help protect your eyes from light damage.

5. Guava:

guava It is a powerful source of vitamins A and C that are known to enhance vision. This fruit not only improves eyesight, but also prevents deterioration of eyesight.

6. Mango:

Beta carotene content mango It is known to reduce the effects of free radical damage in our eyes. It is also an excellent source of vitamin A and protects us from dry eye and itching.

World Vision Day 2020, promise a healthy lifestyle for eye health!


About SomdattasahaExplorer-This is what Somdatta likes to call himself. In terms of food, people and place, all she longs for is knowing the unknown. A simple agrio orio pasta or darchawar and a good movie can make her day.


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