LA health worker Coronables dies, new cases soar
Los Angeles, California—Healthcare workers in Los Angeles were one of 10 deaths from a coronavirus reported in Los Angeles County in the last 24 hours, as local COVID-19 cases tripled in just three days.
L.A. County health officials have announced an additional 10 deaths from COVID-19, including four under 65. There was no fundamental health condition.
“The majority of people actually have the underlying illness, but they don’t, and it reminds us of the violence of the virus,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of the County Public Health Service. Told. Across the county, 54 people died. Since Monday, 548 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported, bringing the total number of Los Angeles County to 3,011.
Details of health professionals over the age of 60 are not disclosed.
Feller pointed out that the number of cases in the county has tripled in the past week, reflecting the increase in testing capacity at the same time. However, she said, the consistency of the test results indicates that more people in the county have been infected with the virus and have not yet been tested.
“If there are more infected people, they are more likely to infect others,” she said.
She said 79% of the county incidents were between the ages of 18 and 65.
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Feller pointed out that many people “would not experience debilitating illness, but could spread it to others.”
The county has a total of 594 hospitalized patients for virus-positive patients, of which 267 were hospitalized as of Tuesday, most of whom are 55 years old and one-quarter receive intensive care. 35 years old.
While the first coronavirus death of healthcare workers in Los Angeles County highlights danger to frontline people, Governor Gavyn Newsam has given surgeon COVID-19 cases to healthcare workers and medical students who retire on Monday Threatens to overwhelm hospitals across the state who have called for help with patients.
Ferrer also points out new guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which will increase the number of people who need to enter quarantine if quarantined by patients infected or suspected of being infected with a coronavirus Did. Earlier, authorities stated that only those who “closely contacted” symptomatic patients needed to be quarantined, but a new guideline states that if a patient is exposed within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, States that it needs to be quarantined.
“This acknowledges emerging science that suggests that there is a certain number of people who have actually infected others before they become symptomatic,” she said.
According to officials, the driving force for the county surge in new facilities appears to be outbreaks in nursing homes. Los Angeles County Department of Health officials have confirmed an outbreak in 11 nursing homes or nursing homes.
Health officials are investigating 35 “facility conditions” where at least one virus has occurred. Twenty of them are nursing homes and one is a temporary haven for the homeless. Of these 35 institutions, 155 cases have been reported between residents and staff.
“If there was one case at a facility, the team at the Department of Public Health did work and confirmed that he was working with facilities, managers and staff to do his best to protect the health of the population. Monday: “… most of the residents at the affected facility are actually quarantined.”
County fire chief Daryl Osby has announced that 10 members of his institution are coronavirus-positive. He said seven of them had recovered, while three were isolated.
Sheriff Alex Villanueva stated that seven members of his department had tested positive and more than 100 were in quarantine.
According to Feller, the county still has a mortality rate of about 1.8%. That is, 1.8% of all people in the county that test positive for coronavirus die. Mr. Feller last week said New York’s mortality rate was around 1.4%.
To date, more than 15,000 people in Los Angeles County have been tested for coronavirus, according to Feller. Of those tested, about 12% are back positive.
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There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent the disease is to avoid exposure to the virus. However, the CDC always recommends daily precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory illness, including:
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Please stay home when you are sick.
Cover the cough or sneeze with tissue and discard the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Follow CDC recommendations for using face masks.
CDC is not recommended for people who often wear face masks to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
People who show symptoms of COVID-19 need to use a face mask to prevent the disease from spreading to others. The use of a face mask is also important Health care workers And Someone taking care of someone nearby (At home or in a medical facility).
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for more than 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom. Before meals; after blowing the nose, coughing or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. If your hands are clearly dirty, always wash your hands with soap and water.
City News Service contributed to this report.
This article First appeared Studio City Patch
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