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Healthy “Queen of Hand Sanitizer”, 42, killed by coronavirus after filling her lungs with liquid


Tanisha Cotton, 42, died of a coronavirus despite living as a “queen of healthy hand sanitizers.”

A 42-year-old woman named “ Queen of Healthy Hand Sanitizer ” by her family, Coronavirus After the disease filled her lungs with liquid.

Tanisha Cotton, from Little Rock, Arkansas, died on March 28, Covid-19, four days after checking in to a local emergency room, complaining of difficulty breathing.

Her sorrowful older sister LaTia Wright, 34, says that the death of Cotton should serve as a warning to those who believe that the coronavirus kills only the elderly and those with underlying illness. She believes that Cotton’s employer has helped seal her sister’s fate by not telling staff that she would contact a town visitor exposed to Covid-19 on March 11 I am. The Carlton Bates Company boss is allegedly waiting a week before notifying staff about the risk.

According to Mr. Wright, one of the cotton colleagues at the factory manufactures electrical components, so even if they were sick, they were mistakenly tested positive for Covid-19 and the sister lost security. It is said that it has been done.

Respiratory therapists currently treating coronavirus patients, Arkansas Democratic Party-Official Gazette: “She did not even have the opportunity to fight for her life.

“That’s my point of view.”

Four other workers at Carlton Bates have since tested positive for coronavirus, and the other two staff are currently waiting for test results.

A spokesman for parent company Wesco, “ can comment on what the boss knew about the potential for coronavirus contamination, and when he noticed that workers were at risk. There wasn’t. “

Thanisha (left) died four days after she was not admitted. Complaining that her breathing was impeded, the family hoped her death would serve as a warning that the coronavirus could kill anyone

Chris Wadsworth, the general manager of the factory where Cotton worked, sent an email expressing his “sadness” in the news of her death.

“Once we were notified of Tanisha’s illness, we closed the facility this weekend and cleaned all office and warehouse areas.

“We ask that you continue to take all precautionary measures, keep your hands clean, and follow all CDC recommendations posted throughout the facility to prevent exposure to the virus.”

Cotton is the youngest ever to die of a coronavirus in Arkansas, and the youngest Covid-19 victim is 59 years old. A total of 523 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus in the southern states, and seven people, including cotton, are known to have died. Covid-19.

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