Maine coronavirus cases are rebounding as part of an “unavoidable” rise
Coronavirus cases have been in Maine for the past two months, even though the state has entered the next phase of economic resumption and travel restrictions have been relaxed to make it easier for visitors from the northeast to come here. Is steadily recovering.
The number of cases in Maine remains lower than in most other countries, but new and active cases of the virus have increased since mid-August. They have crossed many In the northeast, where the virus was relatively under control during the summer. The seven-day average of the state’s new daily COVID-19 cases has more than doubled from 15 in mid-August (the lowest since the start of the pandemic) to about 35 recently.
At the same time, new outbreaks are occurring in less populated areas of the state that previously rarely occurred. Cumberland, York, and Androscoggin counties have accounted for the majority of Maine cases throughout the pandemic, but more recently, new and active cases have increased in the more rural areas of Somerset and Kennebec counties.
Since the beginning of October, Somerset County, home to 3.8 percent of Maine’s population, has accounted for 10.6 percent of the new incidents, and Kennebec County, home to 9.1 percent of Maine’s population, has accounted for 13.5 percent of the new incidents. ..
Dr. Peter Millard, a former epidemiological staff member of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and an associate professor at the University of New England, said the steady increase in cases across Maine was “quite predictable” after the wedding on August 7. I think it was. The Millinocket area caused the state’s largest COVID-19 outbreak and contributed to at least two secondary outbreaks, including one that infected 87 people connected to York County Prison.
Governor Janet Mills’ administration “strived to thread the needles and not over-restrict” to ease business restrictions, Mr. Millard said, but as the economy continues to resume, a new case He warned that a continuous rise might be “unavoidable.”
In addition to the steady outbreak, Nirav Shah, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine, sees two other reasons for the steady increase in case numbers since mid-August.One of them is state Enhanced ability Viruses have become easier to detect as schools resume classes in the fall and people begin to spend more time indoors.
Another more annoying trend is that the state is increasing cases of coronavirus in people whose relevance to other cases is unknown. In short, the virus is quietly spreading throughout the community.
“We have seen higher levels of community infections,” Shah said. “When case investigators first contact them, the number of people whose individuals do not report a known relationship with an unresolved outbreak is increasing daily. This is a sign that an infection is occurring. , People are not sure how they got sick. “
Experts have long warned about the second surge of COVID-19 in the fall and winter, when the virus is expected to circulate more easily as people gather inside during the colder months.
Still, under ongoing pressure from the Maine hospitality industry, Mills continued to relax some restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of the virus, but tightened others. In late September she Finally added Massachusetts On a small list of northeastern states where residents are exempt from quarantine for two weeks or must have a negative COVID-19 test when traveling to Maine.
And last week, Mills Announced by Maine Will enter the fourth phase of economic resumption, Including looseness Seat limits for restaurants, churches and cinemas that came into effect on Tuesday, and the reopening of bars and tasting rooms for limited indoor services on November 2.
At the same time, Mills has established stricter obligations on face masks.She demanded that many companies throughout Maine first force them to wear a face cover after simply requesting it for the company. In the coastal counties of the state And the largest city. She also extended facial coverage requirements to private schools and city buildings.
This week, Shah expressed confidence that a balance of tighter and looser requirements will allow companies to operate safely in cold weather. He also said the state would continue to reassess these restrictions.
According to Shah, “we need to introduce as much space as possible for people,” not necessarily before the pandemic, even if the bars that caused many outbreaks elsewhere in the country reopen. Not necessarily similar to. ..
Shah said the recent increase in new cases in Maine is slow rather than abrupt, and that other states in the South and Midwest have not increased in the exponential way they saw in summer and autumn. Said showing. He was particularly concerned about the potential for exponential growth last month after the virus appeared to have begun to spread to the southernmost tip of York County following a prison outbreak.
“It’s a testament to the people of Maine who helped us all cover things,” Shah said. “Remember that this was what I did. Deeply concerned about York and its surroundings county. So far it hasn’t happened, but it could have happened. “
York County continues to account for the majority of new cases in the state, but the proportion of these cases has been declining in recent weeks. It accounted for 40.3% of new cases in September, but has accounted for 24.7% of new cases since the beginning of the month. Androscoggin County, on the other hand, now shows an increasing proportion of new cases, in addition to Somerset and Kennebec counties.
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