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Dentists report a low rate of COVID-19: this is why


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According to experts, safety procedures have been implemented in dental clinics for decades.Morsa Images / Getty Images
  • A new study by the American Dental Association found that less than 1 percent of dentists nationwide tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Experts say it’s because of the safety policies and disinfection practices that dental clinics have been doing for decades.
  • Experts add that dental health is important not only for your teeth, but also because dental infections can lead to other illnesses, including heart disease.

It is safe to go to the dentist even during a pandemic.

That’s what the American Dental Association generally tells us.

The organization today published a study reporting that less than 1% of dentists nationwide were found to be COVID-19 positive. This is much less than that. Other medical professionals..

This report contains data from approximately 2,200 dentists surveyed in June 2020. This is the first type of COVID-19 rate and safety practice for US dentists.

The results of these surveys are based on dentistry. Flagged COVID-19 As a high-risk occupation.

The majority of dentists (82%) reported asymptomatic one month before the remote study. Nearly 17% say they have been tested for COVID-19.

“This study takes us a new step in understanding what works.” Marcelo Araujo, DDS, MS, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of the American Dental Association Scientific Institute and Senior Author of the Report said in a press release.

“Dentists follow the guidance of the ADA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help keep the dental team and their patients as safe as possible,” Araujo added.

The· CDC guidelines Includes safety measures ranging from proper hand hygiene to sterilization and disinfection of patient care products and devices.

Research is ongoing and includes data from dental hygienists.

“It’s no coincidence that dentistry was chosen as one of the occupations with the highest risk of infection, but the prevalence of infection is much lower than in other healthcare professionals.” Marko VujicicThe PhD, Chief Economist and Vice President of the American Dental Association Institute for Health Policy, said in a press release.

“Experts take this issue very seriously, which shows it,” he added. “We will continue to track the incidence of COVID-19 among dentists and other aspects of the pandemic that affect dentistry, and will be able to inform dentists and other industries.”

Dr. Edgar Herrera SanchezAn infectious disease specialist at Orlando Health in Florida said he was not surprised by the results of the study.

“”[Dentists] We’ve already done a lot to prevent the spread of COVID, “Sanchez told Healthline. “So I want to provide a lot of relief. If you are at risk of infection, the risk is highest for the dentist, not the patient.”

“The dentist is already wearing a mask, eye gear, gloves, etc., so the risk of him giving you something is very low,” Sanchez added.

Joel Gould, DDS has been a dentist for 30 years.

“It’s great to have the data to confirm what we expected,” he told Healthline. “Dentists are infection control specialists and have taken universal precautions since the mid-1980s and the HIV / AIDS epidemic.”

“Dental hygienists are highly qualified alliance healthcare professionals and maintain the highest standards of care,” Gould added.

According to Gould, dentists have always been sensitive to infection control and pioneered the use of “universal precautions.”

“Because we don’t see many infections like hepatitis and HIV, it makes sense to assume that everyone we see is infectious or infectious,” he explains. did.

Dentistry is healthcare, and experts agree that negligence can have consequences.

by CDCThe top three oral conditions that affect overall health and quality of life are tooth decay (cavities), severe periodontal disease, and severe tooth loss.

Sanchez said periodontal disease can cause:

  • Cardiac infection
  • Lung infection
  • desire
  • Local damage to mouth and teeth

“I’m an infectious person. I see the effects of not getting good dental care, including things like endocarditis,” Sanchez said.

The· American Heart Association (AHA) Endocarditis is an infection caused by the introduction of bacteria into the bloodstream.

Bacteria can enter the bloodstream as a result of poor tooth hygiene or improper brushing, which can lead to damage to the gums and mouth.

According to AHA, “people with heart disease are at increased risk of developing heart disease.”

“So I really insist that you should get all the dental care and all the medical care,” Sanchez said. “It should not be delayed because of this virus.”

“You really can’t postpone dentistry or the need for dentistry that long, hoping that the virus can last for years,” he added.

“Unfortunately, many of my older patients were afraid to enter,” Gould said. “The question is how long does that selective work take before it becomes an emergency?”

“Some people have postponed dental treatment, but this can have a negative impact over time and can do more damage in the long run than a viral infection,” he added.


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