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Diet Coke is as bad as regular soft drinks, probably leading to heart disease


Diet Coke may seem like the best alternative to high blood sugar soft drinks. However, researchers and other experts are now wary of these artificially sweetened drinks and other sweet drinks.

Diet Coke and other sweet drinks increase heart disease by 20%!Experts say this is alarming

(Photo: Photo by Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)
The Diet Coke bottle was on display at AT & T Park in San Francisco, California on July 24, 2007, before the San Francisco Giants and Atlanta Braves baseball game began. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, drinking diet soda can increase the risk of “metabolic syndrome,” which causes heart disease and diabetes, by 48%.

They claim that diet drinks increase the risk of heart disease by up to 20%. New studies have explained that they are as bad for your heart as the full sugar version.

The team, made up of French researchers, has tracked more than 104,000 people over the last decade to observe sugared or unsweetened soft drinks. consumption.

by Daily Mail UKAccording to the latest report, scientists have found that participants are more likely to develop heart disease, heart attack, or stroke than individuals who avoid drinking.

Artificially sweetened beverages alter metabolism

A new study found that people who drank a lot of low-sugar diet drinks were at the same risk of heart disease as those who drank whole-sugar drinks. On the other hand, those who drank sweet or artificially sweetened drinks were 20% more likely to develop heart problems than those who drank only tea, coffee, or water.

Diet Coke and other sweet drinks increase heart disease by 20%!Experts say this is alarming

(Photo: Photo by Ethan Miller / Getty Images)
Xuan Trent (L) and David Trent, Nevada, got a bottle of soda at the Cinemark’s Century 16 stand at the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 14, 2020. Cinemark has reopened some movie theaters nationwide today with new safety measures for the first time since its closure in March due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. According to Cinemark, enhanced cleaning work includes daily disinfection of the auditorium, disinfection of busy spaces every 30 minutes, and cleaning of all occupied seats in low-capacity theaters between all shows. It came to be. Screening times are staggered to prevent congestion in the hallways, lobbies and toilets, and purchasing a ticket will block adjacent seats.

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Nonetheless, experts are more concerned about the effects of drinks on the body’s metabolism. They said the product increases the rate at which sugar is absorbed.

Diet drinks also affect pregnant women

by Breaking medical newsDiet drinks are also harmful to pregnant women, according to the latest report from. Instead of helping the mother lose weight, they gain weight and lead to a caesarean section.

Diet soda can also increase your chances of having gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is the most common metabolic pregnancy complication that affects 16% of pregnancies worldwide.

“High-sweetness artificial sweeteners can exacerbate impaired glucose tolerance compared to regular sugar,” said Dr. Cuilin Zhang, lead author of the study.

“This increases intestinal absorption of glucose and promotes overdose and weight gain by altering sweet taste and calorie rewards,” he added.

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Related article: New studies suggest that people with COVID-19 antibodies are declining-is it possible to affect herd immunity?

This article is owned by TechTimes.

Written by: Giuliano Deleon..

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