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The Covid-19 pandemic may actually help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder


As crickets begin to squeal at the end of summer and families begin shopping for the new semester, Michele Sheerman can experience seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD.

But this season wasn’t too bad.

Some people deal with the coronavirus pandemic as it spreads in the fall and winter DisabilityPsychologists suggest that the type of depression, usually associated with shorter days and less sunlight, may experience milder symptoms.

One of them is the 48-year-old Sheaman who calls himself “Lifelong SA Die”. She attributed the so far mild symptoms to the friendships and shared experiences she experienced during the pandemic.

“I don’t feel isolated because there are so many people in the same place,” she said. “I feel it’s not so oppressive and not so serious this year.”

Michele Siaman uses a lightbox to deal with her SAD symptoms.Courtesy Michele Sheerman

Mayo Clinic psychologist Craig Sochuk said that in some individuals, people with disabilities may have milder symptoms than this season if they develop a healthy routine when the quarantine order goes into effect. Said. Open up time for day and relaxation and maintain a support system.

“They were forced to make something pretty big earlier this year, but healthy changes and habits, and daily rhythms and other things. And it’s moving forward towards the winter months. It may be protective, “he said.

Rata McGuinn, a professor of psychology at Yeshiva University, agreed this season that people with disabilities could have milder symptoms, but warned that it could be exacerbated by a pandemic. Did. “On the other hand, you may be a good companion, and if you are already vulnerable, you may be doing a little less than you normally do in the winter,” she says. I did.

Scott Bee, a clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic, agreed. “If people form great habits to eat well, move and take steps to connect with others, it will be a good protection against depression,” he said.

Both psychologists have said that people with seasonal affective disorder may be better off this season, but warned that it may not be the case for everyone. “I don’t think it will necessarily be unified,” Bee said.

John Anderson, 37, has had this disorder since his early twenties. Like Shearman, his symptoms were alleviated due to a pandemic.

“People don’t always understand seasonal depression, and some don’t understand what you’re experiencing, or even believe it exists. There may be, “he said. But this year, Anderson said, “We’re on the same boat now,” making it easier to talk to people.

“It’s really great to go out in the sun,” Bea said. He recommends people with disabilities who work from home and have the flexibility to squeeze in the sun all day long.

Connecting with people is one of the tips that professionals give to those who deal with disabilities. However, this can be difficult this year, as more people interact at the rally and the risk of getting infected with Covid-19 increases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

Bea says people with disabilities need to adapt and accept discomfort, as that recommendation contradicts current public health recommendations.

“Try some new and novel things you haven’t tried before,” he said. For example, he advised that we should call it just a gathering, not a virtual gathering. “We will stop thinking that our way of socializing is artificial and call it the real thing.”

Sawchuck also recommended using a light box with a strength of 10,000 lux. Lux is a measure of brightness. Get enough sleep and maintain structure throughout the day.

Anderson tends to overeat and keep people away during the coldest winter months. But this year, he’s taking additional steps to reach out to his friends and doesn’t take them for granted. “You start to understand that, what if they aren’t here tomorrow.”

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