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Influenza vs. COVID-19: How can you tell what you have?


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The symptoms of flu and COVID-19 can look similar-this is what you need to know.

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For the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, WHO website..

In all cases Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 It wasn’t enough to track. In the fall season, these symptoms can overlap with those of another infectious virus. influenza..

Unfortunately, many influenza Symptoms can be very similar to the coronavirus and can be quite confusing once you start getting sick.Thankfully, it already exists Influenza vaccine.. Scientists are working on a COVID-19 vaccine, but it is unlikely that it will be available until early 2021.

As I headed for the flu season in the midst of a pandemic, I consulted with my next medical leader, Dr. Nate Fabini. forward It helps to shed light on what you need to know about both viruses and what to do if you get sick.

“This will be a really challenging flu season, as it’s very difficult to tell the difference between COVID-19 and flu by symptoms alone. We have no great way to distinguish between the two except by testing. As we’ve seen over the past few weeks, the COVID-19 testing capability in the United States is now a disaster, “Dr. Fabini said.

On the other hand, influenza tests are available to most people and Deliver results quickly.. The problem is that even if someone is ill and has a negative flu test, they still need to know if they are infected with COVID-19. “Rapid flu testing is widely available, but it’s not enough because people who are negative for the flu can suffer from COVID-19 and many other respiratory illnesses that prevail in the fall and winter. “Dr. Fabini says. CDC also says Can be infected with influenza and COVID-19 at the same time.

The· The FDA recently granted an emergency license To several medical testing companies for a combined diagnostic test that can detect COVID-19 and influenza in a single sample. “With just one swab or sample, you can use combination tests to get answers to Americans faster. This efficiency provides timely information to sick people with unknown respiratory illnesses. It’s a great help to do, “said Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, FDA Commissioner. In a press release. However, we do not know when combination tests will be available or how widely they will be distributed nationwide.

Continue reading to learn more about the differences between influenza and COVID-19, and the signs and symptoms to look for.

Influenza and COVID-19 Symptoms

Influenza and COVID-19 share many overlapping symptoms, so if you show any of the symptoms listed below, the first thing to do is Isolate yourself for a test From others in your family.The· CDC COVID-19 states that it is more contagious than influenza for certain groups of people. In other words, it can spread from person to person more easily and quickly.

Dr. Fabini says: Test everyone I have flu symptoms and COVID-19 is ideal, but I’m not sure if the healthcare system can handle tests of that scale. “The problem is that the country isn’t ready for the surge in COVID-19 cases that all public health professionals expect this fall and winter. Changing the approach to testing and scaling up is expensive. Unless you make an investment, you’ll see it for a long time. Delays in COVID-19 test results can really be a problem for people’s care and public health, “says Fabini.

Common Symptoms of COVID-19 and Influenza, According to the CDC:

  • Feel fever or fever; experiencing chills
  • cough
  • Shortness of breath or dyspnea
  • Fatigue (fatigue)
  • sore throat
  • Runny nose or stuffy nose
  • Muscle and body pain
  • headache
  • Some people have vomiting and diarrhea, which is more common in children than in adults.
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Wearing a face mask is a simple precaution to prevent COVID-19 and the flu.

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Difference between COVID-19 and influenza

There are several symptoms that differ between COVID-19 and the flu, but it is important to first remember that the symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu can vary from person to person. Therefore, one of the following symptoms cannot always be ruled out: Virus on top of others.

One of the major differences between COVID-19 and influenza is that people who have experienced COVID-19 Change or loss of odor or taste.. However, not everyone experiences this symptom with the virus, and it can occur whenever a person becomes ill.

Another big difference between COVID-19 and influenza is that you Long-term contagious If you have COVID-19 than if you have the flu. It is also known that people infected with COVID-19 may spread the virus before symptoms appear, or they may become infected with the virus and become infected with the virus. Symptoms have not yet been seen, but still spread to others..

How to protect yourself from both influenza and COVID-19

Fortunately, many of the practices we have already taken to prevent COVID-19 also help prevent influenza. “We all need to double our efforts to protect each other during this flu season. stay at home if you can. Please wear a mask Whenever you leave home, avoid touching your face and stay 6 feet away from others. wash hands Often Soap Drink water when you get home, “says Dr. Fabini.

further, Influenza vaccine When it’s available is important to protect yourself from the flu. Preventing illness is not fail-safe, but it reduces your chances of getting the flu. Influenza is still contagious and can cause serious health problems for many.

Look at this:

New COVID-19 test at home


The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.

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