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The mayor of Nunavut Territory, attacked by COVID-19, calls on residents to stay calm and maintain their mental health.


On November 6, Nunavut Territory confirmed the first COVID-19 case. Ten days later, a small settlement in Arviat is in dispute with 20 cases.

The territory announced new restrictions on Monday, ordering non-essential companies to close, advising masks on all public spaces, closing schools and limiting social gatherings.Total number of COVID cases in Nunavut Territory Currently 26 years old..

Arviat Mayor Joe Savikataak Jr. As it happens Guest host Nil Köksal talks about how he’s trying to calm people in the community while limiting rumors on social media. Here are some of their conversations.

Your settlement tried to act aggressively during this pandemic, but do you think it was only a matter of time before you had to fight COVID-19?

The Nunavut Territory Government has done everything possible to prevent invasion of the Nunavut Territory. But I think it was only a matter of time when the number of incidents in Winnipeg, which has a close relationship with southern Canada, began to increase.

Why do you think Arviat in particular sees the majority of COVID-19 cases in the region?

I cannot answer at this time. I am not a medical expert. But we are currently working to figure out why and how it entered Arviat.

We have all seen this pandemic dominate the world. It has never landed in your community. How are you and your community members preparing for this moment?

We are prepared for this. Whether or not I came, I was preparing just in case. All shields are up, but everything is in place. We were in a very good mode to stop sending even more than is currently in progress, and we win.

Twenty COVID cases were identified in a small settlement in Arviat, Nunavut Territory. (Jordan Coneck / CBC)

Many people in your community wore masks when they were out, even before it was mandated. This is not always the case in other jurisdictions. What are the current biggest challenges in limiting spreads?

The community was great. Even before our family council met for an emergency meeting on Memorial Day, we met and held an emergency meeting with the first incident in a nearby community here.

For those who don’t know where we are, there is no road leading to our hometown. Therefore, everything is by aircraft. We immediately went into blockade mode — basically back in March and April.

There were no cases before we had the meeting, but people were already wearing masks. This was amazing to our people here in Arviat. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has fulfilled their roles so far.

What concerns and fears do people share with you?

We have remained zero for a long time. Now that I’m here, it’s not surprising that some people are quite shocked. But we are trying to mitigate it. We are trying to control and control fear … but at the same time respect this virus.

Because this virus is here. You can’t see it, you can’t hear it, you can’t smell it.We are dealing [an] There is an unexpected power here and we want people to be prepared. Try to control your fears and your mental health. That’s one of the most important things — our mental health right now.

Make sure your small town has the right information, not the wrong or disinformation. Words travel fast, and sometimes rumors spread fast. What are you looking at on social media?

It is a small town with a population of over 3,000. Words are transmitted quickly. Everything twists and turns in the middle. But for those who listen, don’t believe anything you see on social media unless you see it from the Nunavut Territory Government or the Arviat Facebook settlement. These two are reliable and accurate.

Premier, your dad, Joe Savikataak, said the community is certainly expanding, especially in Arviat. How do you fight it?

The best thing to do now … Never stop the visits they have already made and followed. But there was a time when it was spreading before I realized it was in the city.

You mentioned mental health. It is a struggle for people all over the country, especially for quarantine. But how much sacrifice hasn’t come in a small community like you?

It’s so big. Many people are very sociable here. There are many large families that interact with each other.

Currently, there is a shortage of housing in Nunavut Territory. There are many overcrowded houses that are packed with people like sardines. That is another hurdle we have to overcome.

What are your plans to overcome such hurdles?

Nothing happens overnight. Rome was not founded overnight. It will take some time, but in the end you will be in a better position. And that’s just an uphill from now on. Everything is getting better.

You mentioned earlier that you are not a healthcare professional, but do you have any premonitions or thoughts on how it permeated your community?

There is only one way to Alviato, from Winnipeg. Winnipeg hotels have a quarantine hub, but some people go there for medical reasons. [at].. However, as certain medical professionals listening across the country know, some people do not show any signs of symptoms when they have it.

Dr. Michael Patterson, Chief Public Health Officer of Nunavut Territory, said it was similar to what was seen in the area in March and April, at least two from Wednesday to curb the spread of COVID-19. Announced a weekly blockade. 2:55

We should tell people that You returned to the mayor’s job in March And the former mayor, Bob Leonard, died. You had to learn pretty quickly at work.

Very, I went straight into the fire. Fortunately, I was working near Bob while Bob was with us. I was his deputy mayor at the time. So it was quite helpful.

How are you trying to reassure people in your community?

Keep calm. When I go to the store like any other person and get the groceries and necessities I need at this store so I don’t panic.

Written by Tahiat Mahboob. Interview with Jeanne Armstrong. The Q & A has been edited for length and clarity.

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