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Would you like to return to NWT after your trip?These new rules apply


The Northwest Territories now says that all members of the house must be quarantined for 14 days when the person returns from the trip.

According to Dr. Kami Kandra, Chief Public Health Officer in the region, the move takes into account the surge in COVID-19 cases across the country. Kandra talked about the new rules during a briefing with reporters about the region’s weekly COVID-19 update.

“The second wave has landed north,” Kandra said.

“The events of the last 10 days have shown how rapidly our destiny is changing and reminded us that the virus cannot be prevented.”

Recently, 380 people have traveled from Nunavut Territory. A “minority” of them was identified as contact information for confirmed cases in the Nunavut Territories and entered the NWT. They are currently in quarantine, and on Tuesday night the government announced people coming from the Kibarik region of Nunavut. In the last 14 days, you have to quarantine yourself from the day you arrived at NWT for 2 weeks at your current location.

“We are closely monitoring the reaction of the Nunavut Territories and our hearts are directed at them,” said Kandra, who said that some of NWT’s small communities were “crowded housing and small communities.” He said it was similar to that of the Nunavut Territories in terms of “social nature”.

However, the new household rules are not retroactive and apply to all travelers and their households arriving after the recommendation is announced on Wednesday.

If you are isolated in a household with returning travelers, do not go to school, work, visit with others, or do business for 14 days. Household members are not obliged to self-isolate if the person returning home from the trip can self-isolate in a “self-contained suite” separate from the other living spaces of the house. The self-contained suit includes a separate entrance, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

The new rules will replace all previous guidelines for returning travelers. Previously, people could be quarantined at home as long as they were at least 2 meters away from other household members.

According to Kandra, travelers plan according to their family, and in self-isolation plans, how they plan to move away from other families (such as in a self-contained suite), or the family You need to show that you are self-isolating. With them.

Kandola said the decision was made on the basis of several factors, including an increase in cases across Canada and, in recent cases of NWT, “100%” of household contact infections. I am.

Change of resident mandatory workers

Key workers who have never traveled, but who live with and are independent, must also follow the new guidelines.

This includes completing the worker’s quarantine plan, having the employer apply for a work permit during the 14-day quarantine period, and obtaining approval from the Chief Public Health Officer. According to the release, employees are instructed to work with their employer to complete the process through ProtectNWT.

The rules for exempt non-resident workers remain the same. The self-quarantine and application requirements for supply chain workers, key workers, airline crews and employees, remote camp workers, and non-remote camp workers have not changed at this time.

Keep the crowd small

Mr. Kandra says that as the holidays approach, people may feel more pulled to get together, but reminded residents that as the crowd grows, larger power grids will come.

She says there is no reason to be “attentive” rather than “terrifying.”

She says the territory has about 200 demands for entry into the territory and expects more.

Masks aren’t required yet, but Kandra says they are highly recommended. She said that anyone who feels a little sick should call the health center. She added that the tests have never been “easier or faster” and that the area is capable of running about 500 tests a week.

Households that must be quarantined are allowed some activity in the two weeks of quarantine, she said, including short walks (not with people from outside the house) and people are allowed during quarantine. He added that this will be explained soon.

“If our only risk factor is travel-related … By limiting that few, more people can have more freedom,” Kandra said.

Travel’s “bubble” suspension was a “difficult” choice, Kandra says

Earlier this week, the NWT government announced that it would suspend the travel bubble between NWT and the Nunavut Territories until further notice. According to Kandra, this choice is “very difficult.”

From noon on Tuesday People traveling from Nunavut to the Northwest Territories must follow the same self-quarantine According to a Monday news release from the NWT Chief Public Health Officer’s office, the travel protocol is similar to anyone else traveling to that territory.

Tuesday night Effective soon, the NWT government added to that measure — Those who have traveled from the Kivalliq region of the Nunavut Territories in the last 14 days must be quarantined at their current location for two weeks from the date of arrival at NWT.

This follows the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Nunavut Territory. On Wednesday, it reached a new high of 70 cases.

NWT has confirmed 15 COVID-19 cases, 10 of which have recovered. Government website This was last updated on Tuesday morning.

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