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Rounds landmark glows purple in memory of Tony for recognition of pancreatic cancer


Rounds’ widow’s dream of illuminating landmarks in purple to raise awareness of the cancer that killed one of the town’s inhabitants has come true.

Tony Lewis died of pancreatic cancer in July and was 79 years old. His widow Linda arranged John’s Church of St. Peter’s, Roundstown Hall, and Hair on High Street to attend the “Turn It Purple” event of pancreatic cancer action.

On Thursday, November 19th, the building was shrouded in purple light and dozens of people across the country, including Canary Wharf in London and Ely Cathedral, highlighted Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.

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Linda (76) said, “When I saw Wright, I was very impressed because I made a request from my own experience.

“When the Rounds people noticed this event, we received a lot of comments on Facebook. It’s very encouraging to see the comments.

“Many people are affected by this cancer and I hope it makes people aware of the signs. Everyone experiences different and different symptoms.

“I think everyone knows about their body and the changes and abnormal symptoms that need to be investigated.”

< class="">< style="display:block;padding-top:75.0909%;"/>Tony Lewis with the Landmark of Rounds
Tony Lewis with the Landmark of Rounds

Their father, Tony, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on November 21, last year. He died on July 14th.

The couple would have celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary in September.

Linda said: “I wanted it for consciousness. Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that is very difficult to diagnose.

“For many years he had stomach problems and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), which obscured it and caused quite a few problems.

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St. Peter’s Church

“Last year he lost weight, lost his appetite, and began complaining of tummy and back pain.

“What happens very often is to cause jaundice, but Tony didn’t have it.”

Linda, who has two children and two granddaughters, wanted to raise awareness of the charitable pancreatic cancer action that helped her family during Tony’s illness and raise funds.

She added: “Pancreatic cancer hasn’t been reported in the media about other cancers or some of the symptoms we don’t want to talk about, but it’s there and you can end your life suddenly unless you’re diagnosed early.

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Rounds City Hall

“Thanks to the Roundstown Council for responding to my request and Kate of the Council for setting it up. With all the Rounds people for their wonderful comments and support, we in the past. Thanks for the Pancreatic Cancer Action that was there for. Years and Pancreatic Cancer UK. “

Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that can be found anywhere in the pancreas. It is an organ in the upper part of the stomach.

It helps you digest your food and makes hormones like insulin.

Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer include tummy and back pain, meaningless weight loss, indigestion, jaundice, and changes in bowel habits.

Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death in the United Kingdom. Often, within a few weeks of diagnosis, more than 9,000 people die from the disease each year across the UK.

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Granddaughters Evie, Rosie, Linda and Tony in May 2017
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John’s hair joined
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Turn to purple

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