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Enforcement will be strengthened in parts of Ontario as the state records 1,708 new COVID cases

Enforcement will be strengthened in parts of Ontario as the state records 1,708 new COVID cases


Officials in southern Ontario fined companies over the weekend, demanded anti-mask agents, and bankrupted at least one large party as the state recorded an additional 1,708 cases of COVID-19 on Sunday. I was allowed to.

Officials in southern Ontario fined companies over the weekend, demanded anti-mask agents, and bankrupted at least one large party as the state recorded an additional 1,708 cases of COVID-19 on Sunday. I was allowed to.

Enforcement in York, Hamilton, and Peel took place a week after seeing a record number of virus cases and the introduction of stricter public health measures in some areas.

In Mississauga, Ontario, which is part of the currently blocked Peel region, police said authorities had disbanded the party with 60 participants in a short-term rental unit.

“It’s a tough time for everyone,” tweeted Mark Andrews, deputy chief of the Peel Regional Police. “These antiques don’t help anyone.”

He said the Articles of Incorporation officer issued 27 fines of $ 880 and issued three Part 3 subpoenas to the host, saying that if convicted, a fine of at least $ 10,000 could be imposed. Stated.

In the York region, authorities continued to force attacks on companies to ensure they were following the state’s “red” zone public health protocols.

The rules limit indoor dining to 10 customers at a time in physically remote locations. The gymnasium, on the other hand, can only accommodate 10 regular guests at a time, and 25 can attend outdoor classes.

According to a news release, executives inspected 256 companies on Sunday and charged them at 16:00.

The LA Fitness location in East Gwillinbury, Ontario, and the Trio Sportsplex in Vaughan, Ontario are one of the charges.

Authorities have inspected 867 companies since Friday, filed 32 charges and completed 1,151 “compliance education activities,” the release said.

Further west, Hamilton police announced that they had indicted three men aged 26, 48 and 72 in a “mask hug” protest in downtown the city on Sunday.

According to police, 35 people attended the event, exceeding the maximum number allowed at field meetings.

“Before the event, Hamilton police identified the organizer and said that the planned rally could violate crimes under the Ontario Resumption Act and be prosecuted,” police said in a statement. The organizer proceeded with the event. “

All three men (one of whom police said was the organizer) were charged under the law and fined at least $ 10,000 if convicted.

He was charged when the state recorded 24 new deaths associated with COVID-19 on Sunday.

Health Minister Christine Elliott tweeted that of the new cases reported on Sunday, 503 came from the Peel area and 463 were identified in Toronto. These are the only two regions in the “blockade” phase of the state’s gradual, color-coded pandemic-enabled framework.

She said another 185 people were in the York area. The York region is at the next toughest red alert level under the state system.

The state said that since the last daily update, about 54,000 tests have been completed and 1,443 cases are considered to be newly resolved.

This figure occurred the day before more stringent COVID-19 measures were implemented in five regions of Ontario.

Windsor-Essex moves to red levels, Haldimand-Norfolk moves to orange, and the other three (Hastings Prince Edward, Lambton, Northwestern) move to yellow.

State data released Thursday suggested that the number of cases had leveled off somewhat, but Ontario had the highest number of daily infections the following day, at 1,855.

Authorities say it can take up to two weeks for improvement to be seen after the new restrictions are imposed.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on November 29, 2020.

Nicole Thompson, The Canadian Press

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