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The latest menopausal science report focuses on heart risk


The year of a woman’s life leading to menopause is an important time to prevent heart disease, according to a new report summarizing the latest science on the relationship between this middle-aged transition and cardiovascular risk.

The latest data for the years immediately before menopause (when cardiovascular risk accelerates) include a study of the timing of hormone replacement therapy, the age at which menopause begins, and lifestyle factors that affect women’s risk during that period. included.

“Over the last two decades, knowledge of how menopausal transition contributes to cardiovascular disease has evolved dramatically,” says Samar, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Institute of Clinical Translation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. R. El Khoudary is a news release. She led the writing committee of the American Heart Association’s Scientific Statement, which was published in the journal Circulation on Monday.

Monitoring women’s health and lifestyle is especially important in middle age to prevent heart disease and stroke, “healthcare professionals are an active preventive base for women at this stage of life. You might consider this approach, “said El Khoudary.

Reproductive to non-reproductive changes are characterized by changes in menstruation, which usually begin when women are in their late 40s and early 50s.

Prior to this transition, women produce the female hormone estrogen. This may also protect the heart. However, during natural menopause, the ovaries stop producing as much estrogen. It can also occur surgically after a total hysterectomy, which involves the removal of one or both ovaries.

According to a new statement, some studies show that there are potential cardiovascular benefits from certain combinations of hormone replacement therapy when initiated with premature menopause. Several studies have also shown that treatments can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and prevent bone loss. Further research is needed to assess the role of other hormone therapies and how long they affect health, the author of the statement said.

In addition to summarizing hormonal therapy research, the statement includes these highlights:

– The characteristic hot and night sweats of menopause are associated with reduced levels of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Depression and sleep disorders, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease in some studies, are also common in menopausal women.

– Women who experience menopause at an earlier age are at increased risk of heart disease. The age at which menopause begins can be affected by the length of the menstrual cycle, poor cardiovascular health during the breeding season, and socioeconomic factors. Race and ethnicity also play a role, with many Hispanic and black women experiencing menopause at a young age.

– Physical activity and nutrition can affect the timing of menopause in all women. Women who drink small to moderate amounts of alcohol may have delayed menopause, and smokers may start smoking about a year earlier than nonsmokers.

– Only 7.2% of menopausal women perform the recommended amount of physical activity and less than 20% maintain a consistently healthy diet.

– Cholesterol levels, risk of developing metabolic syndrome, and changes in vascular structure all appear to increase with menopause, beyond the effects of normal aging. Metabolic syndrome is when there are three or more people: Abdominal obesity. High triglycerides; low “good” HDL cholesterol; high blood pressure or hyperglycemia.

Healthy lifestyle changes are important for maintaining a healthy heart, but there is a lack of research testing these interventions, especially during the transition to menopause, said the Vice-Chairman of the Statement Making Committee. One Dr. Matthew A. Allison said. He is also a professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego and head of preventive medicine.

“Similarly, we need randomized clinical trials of therapeutic interventions such as cholesterol-lowering drugs and menopausal hormone therapy in women who are transitioning to menopause,” Allison said in a news release. “This risky population was not the focus of previous clinical trials, leaving questions about how the results of these studies would apply to women in this early stage of menopause.”

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