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Disinfectants can kill coronaviruses, but are they harmful to your health?


As consumers try to fight the coronavirus, disinfectant cleaners pop out of the shelves during a pandemic, but frequent use of these cleaning products carries risks.

The· Environmental Protection Agency I created something called “List-N” with more than 500 functions Disinfectant product It is effective in killing the coronavirus. Although these products are safe in most cases, they can cause serious health problems if used incorrectly or around people or children with respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

Here’s what you need to know about using disinfectants at home to kill the coronavirus while keeping your family safe.

Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizers are the mainstream in most homes as consumers try to clean their hands after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.The· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hand sanitizers recommend having an alcohol concentration of at least 60% to be effective, but states that it does not eliminate all types of bacteria. Soap and water are recommended as the first line of protection against viruses.

The· US Food and Drug Administration Warn against Hand sanitizer Contains methanol – woody alcohol that can cause poisoning. Following a warning from the authorities, we issued a number of recalls for hand sanitizers containing methanol, mainly manufactured in Mexico.

Annabelle de St. Maurice, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine, also recommends that consumers avoid expired hand sanitizers that may have evaporated important ingredients. The Wall Street Journal..


Disinfectants can pose a unique set of hazards to consumers from an ingredient known as quat. Quat is a bleach or quaternary ammonium compound used in. Cleaning products According to The Wall Street Journal, inhalation can irritate some people and cause sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath.

Karin Pacheco, an allergist at National Jewish Health, told the press that “inhaling stimulants in sufficiently high concentrations can cause asthma and upper respiratory problems.”

She recommended using these products in a properly ventilated room and wearing gloves to avoid contact with the skin.

Risk to children

Some cleaning products can pose a risk to children who touch surface Put them in their hands and then in their mouths. This can cause irritation from products using Quat.

Dingsheng Li, a professor of environmental health at the University of Nevada, Reno, told The WSJ that it is recommended to wipe these quat-based products after disinfection because they tend to stay on the surface after cleaning.

Long-term use of disinfectant

Although it may tend to overclean the surface, Bill West, an associate professor of chemistry at Emory University, told the journal that there is a risk of developing antimicrobial resistance to quat. He said this would reduce the effectiveness of the chemicals on certain bacteria over time.

He went on to say, “Many people are overdoing it and trying to disinfect everything.”

Disinfectant cleaner Image: A typical image of a household disinfectant. Photo: pixabay


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