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US begins construction of temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News

US begins construction of temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


U.S. military personnel have begun construction of a temporary pier off the coast of Gaza to provide critical humanitarian assistance, senior defense and Biden administration officials said today.

Construction of the pier is expected to be completed in early May. Once completed, it will initially facilitate the delivery of approximately 90 trucks of international aid to Gaza and could reach 150 trucks once fully operational.

The start of construction marks a significant milestone after President Joe Biden called for the military to lead the emergency operation during his State of the Union address last month.

Soldiers from the Army's 7th Transportation Brigade at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va., and Sailors from Naval Beach Group 1 at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, Calif., were tapped to deploy the Department of Defense Joint Overshore Logistics Capability, or JLOTS.

The first of many craft used to build the pier began its weeklong transit to the U.S. Central Command area of ​​responsibility less than two days after Biden's speech.

Officials stressed today that no U.S. forces would be deployed on the ground in Gaza as part of the operation.

The United States coordinated with the Israeli Defense Forces to provide protection for American personnel operating at sea. The United States also coordinated with an IDF engineering unit to receive the pier on the Gaza coast a once offshore construction is completed.

“Efforts to deliver humanitarian aid from the sea are fully supported by the Israeli Defense Forces with whom we have worked and will continue to work very closely. [with] “From securing the JLOTS pier to the shore to providing protection to the forces,” a senior defense official said. “This effort is fully integrated with that of the IDF.”

The official added that the United States is also providing “significant force protection as a prudent measure” and will continue to closely monitor the security environment to ensure the safety of U.S. forces.

“We believe that the security environment around the area of ​​Gaza that we have chosen to establish the JLOTS site is sufficient to support the execution of the mission,” the official said. “But what's important is that we reassess security every day. And as he would in any mission, the commander of U.S. Central Command will make the final decision on whether to advance the placement of JLOTS in depending on the current security situation.”

Providing this capability involves the complex choreography of logistical support ships and landing craft that transport the equipment used to construct an approximately 1,800-foot causeway of interconnected modular sections, known as Trident Pier .

The units are also constructing a 72-foot-wide by 270-foot-long rolling offloading facility, which will remain approximately three miles off the coast of Gaza and allow cargo ships to unload aid shipments at sea before being transported towards the shore. .

Around 1,000 soldiers and sailors are involved in the operation.

The DOD works closely with the U.S. Agency for International Development, which has begun coordinating international aid. Aid providers have started arranging goods in Cyprus for delivery via the sea corridor once the dock is in place.

“Work on the maritime corridor is progressing according to schedule,” a senior administration official said. “This is a complex operation that requires close coordination with many partners, and we are grateful for the work of our partners in this effort.”




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