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Coronavirus Vaccine-Separates facts from fiction and breaks 12 of the greatest myths

Coronavirus Vaccine-Separates facts from fiction and breaks 12 of the greatest myths


Vital Covid-19 vaccination will begin within a few days, but it seems that some people need the sharp facts first.

Skepticism about the vaccine is growing throughout the pandemic, and a recent study found that one in five adults in the UK could refuse to take the vaccine. Coronavirus Jab-although it’s probably our only hope of returning to normal.

Azeem Majeed, a professor of primary care and public health at Imperial College London, helps to distinguish facts from fiction …

1. Myth: Vaccines manufactured very quickly are not safe

Most vaccines take years to be publicly developed, tested, and approved, but global efforts have enabled scientists to work at record speeds.

He states: “The Covid-19 vaccine must go through the same approval process as other vaccines. Funds were readily available and research began rapidly.

“There have been many technological developments that have made it possible to develop vaccines much faster.”

2. Myth: I may be allergic, but I don’t know until I get it

Azeem Majeed is a professor of primary care and public health at Imperial College London.

“Allergies to vaccines are very rare,” says Dr. Majeed. “They are safely given to millions of people each year.”

The chance of a serious response to the vaccine is about 1 in 760,000.

Next year’s lightning strike will be as high as 1 in 700,000.

If a person has a severe allergy, most reactions are due to other components of the vaccine, such as egg protein.

3, myth: There wasn’t enough testing for people with underlying conditions

Blockade activists have a “no mandatory vaccination” placard-this is a myth as number 10 favors a voluntary method
(Image: PA)

Dr. Majid said: “Many vaccine tests have been conducted and are being tested on people with different characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, and medical history.

“The results show that it is safe for all groups tested.”

4. Myth: Vaccines can overload the immune system

In 2018, the myth was revealed by an American researcher who examined medical records of more than 900 babies from six hospitals.

They found no association between vaccines given before the age of two and other infections in the years that followed.

“Vaccines do not overload your immune system,” says Dr. Majid. “On the contrary, they produce immune responses that help reduce the risk of infection, complications, and death.”

5. Myth: The vaccine can actually give me a coronavirus

Skeptics post Nazi-era stars-this is also a complete myth

Some vaccines contain bacteria that cause immune illnesses, but they are killed or weakened to the extent that they do not get sick.

In the case of the coronavirus vaccine, Dr. Magide assures that “the one under development does not contain live coronavirus.” “Therefore, you will not be infected with the coronavirus.”

6. Myth: If everyone around me is immune, I don’t need a vaccine

“Achieving high vaccination rates is essential for creating herd immunity,” says Dr. Magid. “If people refuse to be vaccinated, we will continue to develop Covid-19.

“If you refuse to vaccinate, you can get infected, and people you come in contact with can get infected.”

7. Myth: It’s better to catch Covid and get vaccinated

Patient gets a jab by Pfizer and BioNTech
(Image: BioNTech SE 2020 / PA)

Dr. Majid said: “Vaccines have been shown to be very safe, but diseases such as measles and Covid-19 can cause serious long-term complications.

“The vaccine saved many lives and prevented people from remaining disabled.”

8. Myth: Vaccinated children experience more allergic, autoimmune and respiratory illness

This is another unfounded claim that has caused some parents to delay or withhold vaccination, says Dr. Majeed.

Studies examining many vaccines have not found any association with allergies or autoimmune diseases.

“Vaccines protect against many illnesses and significantly reduce the risk of illness and death in children,” he says.

9. Myth: Some of the people who participated in the trial died

Vaccines are made and ready to be deployed
(Image: BioNTech SE 2020 / PA)

The story that Dr. Elisagranat, one of the first participants in the Oxford vaccine human trial, died shortly after being injected was shared millions of times.

The news was false and she interviewed the BBC saying “I’m absolutely fine.”

“Only one death was reported among those who participated in the trial,” says Dr. Majeed.

Brazilian doctor João Pedro Feitosa was given a placebo instead of a vaccine and died of Covid-related complications.

10. Myth: Swine flu vaccine has left people with side effects, so why is this safe?

A mass vaccination program against swine flu in the United States in 1976 increased the likelihood of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare neuropathy.

Dr. Majid said: “The Covid-19 vaccine has been carefully tested by many volunteers and found to be very safe.

“As they are used more widely, there will be monitoring of vaccinated people to identify future problems.”

11. Myth: Vaccines cause autism

The idea that vaccines cause autism has long been disproved, but the claim has recently re-rounded.

A large study in Denmark last year found no association between measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations and the development of autism.

This is the latest in at least 12 other studies that have failed to find the link.

Dr. Majid said: “No evidence has been found so far that the vaccine causes autism in children.”

12. Myth: Spanish flu vaccine killed 50 million people

During the 1918 pandemic, there was the fact that there was no vaccine to infect one-third of the world’s population.

In the 1930s, scientists discovered that it was caused by a virus, and the first vaccine was developed 10 years later.


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