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Blood types unrelated to the effects of a plant-based diet


Published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition Researchers from the Doctors’ Committee for Responsible Health (a non-profit organization of 12,000 doctors) find that blood type is not associated with the effects of a plant-based diet on body weight, body fat, and plasma. By doing so, lipid concentration that exposes the “blood group diet”, or blood sugar control.

This new study is based on a randomized controlled trial whose main findings were published in JAMA network open In that study, overweight participants with no history of diabetes were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group in a 1: 1 ratio for 16 weeks. Participants in the intervention group followed a low-fat plant-based diet. The control group did not change their diet. An important finding is that a plant-based diet increases metabolism, as measured by an average 18.7% increase in postprandial caloric burning in the intervention group compared to the control group.

To examine the potential relationship between blood group and diet, researchers took the additional step of performing a secondary analysis among intervention group participants in a 16-week randomized clinical trial. They examined whether the effects of plant-based dietary interventions on body weight, blood lipids, and glycemic control were associated with ABO blood groups. The “Blood Type Diet” recommends a plant-based diet primarily for people with blood type A and a meat-rich diet for people with blood type O.

“We found that there was no difference in blood types,” said Dr. Neil Bernard, MD, the author of the study and chair of the Medical Committee. “The blood type diet says that a plant-based diet should be good for blood type A and not so good for blood type O, but it turns out to be beneficial for people of all blood types and meat quality. The food is good for everyone.

According to our study, all blood types benefit equally from a vegan diet based on fruit and vegetable, legume, and whole grain intake, with particular attention to weight loss and cardiometabolic health in overweight adults. It is shown to receive. “

Neal Barnard, MD, Chairman of the Medical Committee, Research Author

The main results measured were body weight, fat mass, visceral fat mass, blood lipids, fasting plasma glucose, and HbA1c. In the T-test, blood group A participants were compared to all other participants (non-A), and blood group O individuals were compared to all other participants (non-O).

There were no significant differences in results between individuals with blood group A and non-A, or between individuals with blood group O and non-O. Mean weight changes were -5.7 kg for blood group A participants, -7.0 kg for non-A participants, -7.1 kg for type O participants, and -6.2 kg for non-O participants. Mean total cholesterol was reduced by 17.2 mg / dl in the Type A group, 18.3 mg / dl in the non-A participants, 17.4 mg / dl in the Type O participants, and 18.4 mg / dl in the non-O participants.


Medical Association for Responsible Medical Care

Journal reference:

Bernard, ND, et al. (2020) Blood group is not associated with changes in cardiac metabolic outcomes in response to plant-based dietary interventions. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition.


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