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Hamilton County breaks record of COVID-19 hospitalization, ICU patients, active cases, new cases


Hamilton County broke multiple records on Tuesday with important indicators to understand the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the county’s health experts said the area is currently affected by Thanksgiving rallies.

The Hamilton County Health Department reported 510 new cases on Tuesday, with 3,576 active cases, 183 confirmed hospitalizations, and 46 people in the intensive care unit. These are all records. The Department of Health also reported 12 additional deaths. Record of the previous day, And has recorded 21 deaths since Sunday.

Indicators such as hospitalization and death Important data points for measuring the strength of the effects of coronavirus..The record that was broken on Tuesday Everything broke 2 weeks ago Since then, it has broken many times individually. There are few signs of slowdown in Chattanooga or its surrounding areas. Has attracted national attention for having some of the toughest hotspots in the country..

Raybond, chair of the COVID-19 Integrated Task Force, said the uptrend was likely the result of a rally held on Thanksgiving weekend. Millions of Americans visited with people outside the home Beyond the plea of ​​health professionals not to do so.

“Health departments continue to report that various community gatherings continue to be a major cause of COVID infection,” Bond said at a press conference on Tuesday. “And we believe we are seeing the results of a community gathering around Thanksgiving. Personally, I am very concerned about the impact of Christmas gatherings on the spread of the virus.”

There is some hopeful information, such as quick turnaround times for test results, First dose of COVID-19 vaccine arriving in Tennessee —People need to stay focused on measures that can protect others, such as wearing masks and staying physically separated, Bond said. It will probably take months before most Tennessee residents have access to the vaccine.

Hamilton County has an average of 353 new cases per day in the past week, with a positive rate of nearly 18%.Bond said local hospitals are still capable of treating patients, but local health care providers said I felt stressed after working to fight the virus without rest for months.. In addition to the 183 confirmed hospitalizations reported on Tuesday, 13 people are under investigation for COVID-19 and may be symptomatic at the time the hospitalization is reported and awaiting test results.

“We remain very concerned about the continued increase in positive cases in our community, where hospitalizations are increasing in parallel,” Bond said. “We will continue to urge the public to limit your interactions and limit the spread of COVID in the strongest words possible. Overwhelming our care system in our community. Strong action is required to avoid it. “

The county continues Recruiting former healthcare professionals to reduce the burden on the local healthcare system.. Workers worked on non-coronaviruses and released staff to focus on patients fighting the virus.

Please contact Wyatt Massey at [email protected] or 423-757-6249. Follow him on Twitter @ news4mass.


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