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Remdesivir Drugs Can Be Very Effective Against COVID-19, Found Single Patient Study | Weather Channel-Weather Channel Articles


A typical image of Remdesivir.


In a new study on the antiviral drug remdesivir, researchers emphasized that the drug is likely to be very effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. ..

Studies published in the journal Nature CommunicationsExplains giving medication to patients with COVID-19 and rare immune disorders. The study showed a dramatic improvement in his symptoms and the disappearance of the virus.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been hampered by the lack of effective antivirals against the disease-causing coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Scientists were looking forward to a drug called remdesivir, which was originally developed to treat hepatitis C and was subsequently tested for Ebola.

However, the results of large clinical trials were inconclusive, and in early October the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the drug did not significantly reduce mortality.

However, the question is more complex, and clinical teams are now using different approaches to determine the effect of the drug on COVID-19 in closely monitored patients.

“There are various studies that support or question the effectiveness of remdesivir, but some of the studies done during the first wave of infection may not be optimal for assessing its antiviral properties. “Hmm,” said James Tabentilan, a research author at the University of Cambridge, UK.

In the current study, the research team investigated a case of a 31-year-old man with XLA, a rare genetic condition that affects the body’s ability to produce antibodies and thus fights infection. Initially, the patient was treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, which had little effect, and treatment was discontinued on day 34.

The patient then began a 10-day course in Remdesivir. Within 36 hours, his fever and shortness of breath improved, and nausea and vomiting stopped. Increased oxygen saturation allowed him to remove oxygen supplementation.

This dramatic clinical response was accompanied by a gradual decrease in levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a substance produced by the liver in response to inflammation. At the same time, doctors saw an increase in the number of his immune cells known as lymphocytes, and a chest scan showed that the inflammation in his lungs had healed. The patient was discharged on day 43.

One week after discharge, the patient’s fever, shortness of breath, and nausea recurred. He tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 again, showed lung inflammation, elevated CRP levels, and decreased lymphocyte counts. On day 61, the patient began treatment with an additional 10-day course of remdesivir.

The team found that the patient’s viral levels gradually declined during the first course of remdesivir, responding to an improvement in symptoms. The team further believes that remdesivir is likely to be most beneficial when administered early in the infection, before the virus can trigger a potentially catastrophic immune response.


The above article was published by the Wire Agency with minimal changes to the headline and text.

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