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Researchers identify new immune cells that act as a major driver of breast cancer growth


Breast cancer is the most common cancer Found in women around the world, many immunotherapies have had limited success in treating aggressive forms of the disease.

“A deeper understanding of breast cancer immunobiology is important for taking advantage of immunotherapy approaches to improving breast cancer survival,” said the Cancer Biology Research Program at the VCU Massey Cancer Center. Dr. Polabos, a member and assistant professor, said. At the Department of Pathology, VCU School of Medicine.

New findings from Bos, Cell reportsIdentified the type of immune cells that act as a major driver of breast cancer growth by preventing the accumulation of certain proteins that elicit an antitumor response. This new knowledge can be used to develop new immunotherapeutic approaches to treat illness.

Regulation T cells (Treg cells) are a special class of immune cells that have the unique ability to suppress the function of other immune cells. This function helps protect the organism from overreacting to certain molecules produced in the body. However, in many cases it suppresses the immune system’s ability to attack cancer cells.

Therefore, Treg cells are common in solid tumors, especially breast cancer, and are generally associated with adverse outcomes.

In a previous study, Bos demonstrated that targeting Treg cells in a breast cancer model significantly reduced tumor growth and metastasis. However, it remained unclear at the molecular level why the tumor shrank.

There is a specific protein called interferon gamma (IFN-?) That has strong antitumor properties, including activation of macrophages, cells that can cause inflammation and prevent the growth of cancer.

The latest Bos study suggests that Treg cells suppress IFN-. Production by CD4 T lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) further accelerates disease progression. After analyzing a breast cancer model in which Treg cells were targeted and destroyed, Bos was IFN-? I found an increase in the existence of. Functional reprogramming of macrophages into tumor-fighting cells.

“In addition, they showed better overall survival in human cancers with a genetic pattern similar to that observed in mice with Treg-cleared breast cancer,” Boss said.

This study is the first of its kind to study the mechanical function of Treg cells in breast cancer.

Boss said these findings validate the potential for adoption therapy using IFN-programmed macrophages. A protein for the effective treatment of breast cancer. Adoption refers to the process of transferring external cells to a patient in order to improve immune function or response.

Our study increases the likelihood that white blood cells will be extracted from cancer patients and reprogrammed in vitro with a short exposure to IFN-. It is reinjected with protein and returned to the patient, contributing to the production of an antitumor response. “

Dr. Polabos, Member of Cancer Biology Research Program at VCU Massey Cancer Center and Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Bos is currently studying the function of Treg cells in metastatic cancer and plans to design a follow-up study to test the utilization of IFN-. As an adopted therapeutic agent in a cancer mouse model.


Journal reference:

Clark, New Mexico, et al.. (2020) Regulatory T cells support breast cancer progression by opposing IFN-γ-dependent functional reprogramming of bone marrow cells. Cell reports..


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