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Seven coronavirus vaccines being developed to beat COVID-19 and save millions of lives


Every day has passed, we are all desperately waiting for medical companies to find a solution COVID19. The new coronavirus infects millions of people today and kills more than 10,000 rupees.

And as the numbers continue to grow, India And in the world, vaccines and effective Treatment to stop COVID-19 pandemic Becoming increasingly desperate.


But researchers are working hard every day to come up with a solution to end this mayhem. Here are some vaccines that are currently working to save our lives.

U.S. vaccine by Moderna

Moderna, a US pharmaceutical company, was the first company to release vaccines for use in human testing. Vaccines consist of genetic material called messenger RNA, or mRNA, produced in the laboratory.

mRNA is essentially a genetic code that tells cells how to make proteins. mRNA tells the body’s own cellular mechanisms for making proteins similar to viral proteins, forming an immune response.

Currently, the first phase of human testing is in progress. The second phase of the exam will begin as soon as spring or summer begins.

Dispersed bio-based vaccine

A few weeks ago, researchers Dr. Jacob Glanville owns Distributed BioSaid in an interview with RNZ’s Checkpoint, “ My team succeeded in obtaining five antibodies in 2002 that were determined to bind, neutralize, block, and stop the SARS virus. I’m glad. ”

Researchers have created hundreds of millions of versions of SARS antibodies and mutated them. In this pool, they looked for something that could easily destroy COVID-19.

They are currently waiting for the material to be ready, and 400-600 people will be brought to a human trial in a hospital and observed for symptoms for 5-10 days. If everything goes well, you can expect a vaccine in September this year.


Vaccine by BioNTech & Pfizer

Pfizer, a leading pharmaceutical company, works with BioNTech to produce the COVID-19 vaccine. They use the power of RNA too much, but these vaccines, unlike conventional methods, use RNA to start producing proteins in the body, similar to viruses.

The proteins then trigger the body’s immune response to the coronavirus. However, their research is still in its infancy, and their vaccine has not been tested at this time.

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    Vaccines from University of Pittsburgh studies

    Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have developed a vaccine that has produced positive results in mice, Produces enough antibody to “neutralize” the virus within two weeks.

    The new vaccine developed is named PittCoVacc and builds immunity using laboratory-produced viral proteins. Vaccines are also given in new ways to increase drug efficacy. A fingertip-sized patch consisting of 400 small microneedles is applied to the skin.

    These microneedles are made entirely of sugar and protein fragments. Once the patch is in place, these needles simply dissolve into the skin. It’s painless and “feels like Velcro,” says Louis Falo, a dermatologist professor and chair co-worker.

    University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

    On the other side, the key behind this is a specific protein called “spike proteins” (inspired by SARS and MERS viruses) that generate immunity to coronaviruses.

    Phase 1 of human clinical trials will begin in the coming months. However, the authors of the study will apply to the US Food and Drug Administration for clinical trial approval of the new drug.

    The vaccine by Johnson and Johnson

    Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson partners with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority US Department of Health and Human Services for the COVID-19 vaccine.

    The company said they have “leading vaccine candidates” and will begin testing in clinical trials by September. If clinical data showed a positive result by the end of 2020, vaccines could be on the shelf in less than a year.

    Vaccine funded by Bill Gates

    Supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Along with several other non-profit organizations, the vaccine is called INO-4800, a DNA vaccine that injects an artificial plasmid into the patient’s body to cause a specific infection (in this case, COVID-19).


    DNA vaccines are commonly found in various animal infections, are commonly used in veterinary medicine, and have not been approved for human testing to date. Invio has already developed thousands of doses for Phase I and Phase II studies. In addition, if everything goes well, we can provide up to 1 million doses of vaccine by the end of the year for use in emergency or additional trials.

    Russian vaccine

    Vektor State Virology and Biotechnology Center in Russia We are currently working on developing our own vaccine to fight COVID-19. They have shown to the world that three vaccines are in phase I clinical trials starting June 29. 180 volunteers will participate in the same.

    Scientists have developed several vaccine prototypes at a secret lab in Koltsovo, outside Novosibirsk, Siberia. They have already started testing mouse and rabbit vaccines before starting human testing.



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