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I thought my mother had bitten her tongue, but she actually had a tongue cancer


Tongue cancer began as Jamie’s tongue ridge (Photo: MDWfeatures / Jamie Powell)

37-year-old Jamie Powell woke up one day in December 2019 with a small bump on his tongue.

Assuming she chewed it while sleeping, a nursery teacher in California, USA, wasn’t thinking about it anymore.

However, after two weeks, the ridge appeared to be growing and began rubbing her teeth uncomfortable. Jamie soon began to worry.

She showed a bump to her dentist on a regular tooth cleaning schedule in January 2020. He thought there was nothing to worry about and advised her to continue as usual.

Jamie said: “I started googled to see what it was, but I didn’t find anything close to what my tongue ridge would look like.”

She knew something was wrong and was planning to meet with an otolaryngologist the following month. The doctor performed a biopsy and removed a small mass of tissue from the ridge.

A week later, in March 2020, Jamie received a call to diagnose her with an aggressive tongue cancer. After living a healthy life, Jamie felt angry and did not know who he was after the diagnosis.

“After a few weeks of diagnosis, I soon lost track of who I was and felt betrayed by my body,” she said.

“After all the healthy things I did every day, I still had cancer. I was angry, but I turned that anger into power.”

Jamie received 6 weeks of radiation (Photo: MDW features / Jamie Powell)

She was immediately booked for a partial tongue resection, an operation to remove the affected area of ​​the tongue. Her tongue was reconstructed using skin taken from her legs, and she underwent neck dissection after a scan showed that the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes.

Jamie spent a week in the hospital and couldn’t talk or eat. She was attached to a feeding tube and was not allowed to visit due to Covid-19 restrictions.

After examining the resected cancer tissue, doctors found that the cancer had invaded her nervous system and she needed to irradiate her head and neck 30 times.

Jamie was warned that he could not speak or make noises in the same way after being exposed to radiation, which could cause severe burns to the inside of his mouth and neck. She also recorded her own video talking to the children, Jack (5) and James (3), in case the voice did not recover.

She was bolted to the radiation table with a mesh mask every day for 6 weeks and “zapping” for 15 minutes at a time.

“Radiation was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done,” she says.

“I met a radiologist, and she explained that it was a pathological treatment and one of the most severe types of radiation …

“I try to maintain a positive mindset and keep telling myself that this is just a moment of time and you are doing this so that you can stay here on this planet for your child. I did. “

Radiation left Jamie with burns on her head and neck (Photo: MDW features / Jamie Powell)

After surgery and treatment, Jamie had to relearn how to move and control his tongue, describing it as a “foreign body” in her mouth. She also had to work with a speech therapist and spent five months learning how to speak and eat.

Due to the radiation, Jamie is thirsty for the rest of his life and must constantly rehydrate with water. She also has difficulty swallowing, talking and eating for the rest of her life.

Mama Jamie was left with a new hang in her mouth and had a hard time eating and lost a second £ 8.

But her taste buds are slowly returning – and she can eat soft foods and protein shakes. Her voice doesn’t sound like her previous cancer, but I’m grateful to be able to speak.

Jamie began sharing her story on social media in March after failing to find anyone involved in the diagnosis. She found that her type of cancer was associated with an older man who had a history of smoking.

Jamie shared her story using Instagram as a video diary.

She says:’I started sharing my journey on social media as an exit to becoming vulnerable. That was my cure. When I first looked at the diagnosis, I couldn’t find anyone like me – it was all an elderly man with a history of smoking.

“I haven’t smoked for a day in my life and have a healthy lifestyle, but I had tongue cancer here. Some women have similar experiences to me on Instagram. I found it. I am very grateful that I couldn’t be alone with this. “

Currently, Jamie is focusing on her recovery and taking it every day. She continues speech therapy and physiotherapy to address tongue and mouth mobility. A complete recovery from tongue cancer is expected to take 18 months.

She added: “Cancer is a mental battle as much as physical. I felt ugly and confused about how I looked and heard. My mouth hung down from where I couldn’t feel the left side and I couldn’t eat. I lost 40 pounds.

“But I’ve survived 100% of my bad days, and I keep doing that-I’ll be there for a long time to raise my boy.

“I’m slowly starting to eat more food, and I’m resting and taking the time needed for my recovery. It’s a slow process, but I love my new me I’m learning. I need to talk about this cancer and I’m grateful for it’s voice.

Do you have a story you would like to share?

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