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Virus 5G Conspiracy Theory shows how to actually build your own guitar pedal

Virus 5G Conspiracy Theory shows how to actually build your own guitar pedal


The illustration in the article titled Viral 5G Conspiracy Diagram shows how to actually create your own guitar pedal.

image: Facebook / boss

Does this figure show Bill Gates and his minions a secret plan to inject a 5G chip into the bloodstream of unprotected people vaccinated with covid-19? Not perfect. But it can certainly scoop hell from the middle of them.

Circuit diagram that has become a hot topic Facebook And twitterThe purpose of this vaccine is to show how the vaccine developed to fight the coronavirus was actually modified to inject electronic chips into humans.

In reality, the schematic shows how to make a guitar pedal.Specifically, the Boss MT-2 Metal Zone is great for boosting bass and treble while scooping up the mids, helping to serve your class. Metal distortion..

This figure recently appeared on Twitter in English, but the design seems to have started as a Romanian joke. Facebook In late December. From there, it seems that people from other European countries like Italy took it seriously and became more widespread.

The illustration in the article titled Viral 5G Conspiracy Diagram shows how to actually create your own guitar pedal.

image: Facebook

English translation from Original Facebook post:

The Russians managed to get rid of the nanochips from the Pfizer vaccine and announced a featured plan! We’ll show you everything right away.

This chip consists of only four processors and four transistors. The signal over the 5G network goes into the INPUT on the left. That’s how they control you.

Electricity is produced by the heat of the body and all parts are connected to that voltage. The signal is processed and amplified by the first processor with a frequency filter and transistors.

Next, in this post, I’ll explain how 5G implants can change the brain.Or yours gain, So to speak:

The increased signal continues to be sent to MT-2GAIN or another processor that controls its effect on your psyche. This control is variable and can be enhanced or reduced at will. The original record says that part has an “unfortunate amount of profit”, which is very bad.

The Romanian news site that flagged the post blurs the face of the original Facebook joke star, and it’s not clear who posted it first. But the over-the-top words give us a clue that this is just a joke and some people obviously didn’t understand it.

If you take a closer look at the schematics that have been modified to read “Covid 5G Chip Diagram” and “Confidential”, there are still many signals that this is a guitar pedal diagram. At the beginning, “Footswitch” is displayed. This is where you press the pedal down with your foot to activate it.

There is also a large part in the middle that says MT-2, which is the name of the boss metal zone pedal. The boss pedal has two letters and a number, the latter usually referring to the released number. For example, Boss’ very popular orange DS-1 distortion pedal was released before the DS-2 turbo distortion.

As the previous owner of a guitar pedal similar to the MT-2, I can say that this figure gives you some bad tones.I bought a used boss hyper metal pedal Late 1990s It helped me graduate from high school. But, of course, there is a dark side to those on the Internet who believe in these ridiculous conspiracy theories about vaccines.

For example, a Wisconsin nurse was recently arrested after deliberately leaving the Moderna vaccine more than 500 times out of refrigeration in an attempt to destroy the efficacy of the jab. A nurse identified as 46-year-old Stephen Brandenburg Conspiracy theory and thought The covid-19 vaccine will harm people and “change their DNA.”

According to the nurse was fired New York Times..But it’s probably a safe bet that Brandenburg has learned a lot of what he currently believes through the same online tunnel of disinformation and disinformation that now offers as much bullshit as the story of this guitar pedal. is..

And while it’s at least mildly interesting to us, many people take this seriously. Where are we going from here now that such a broken media culture is flourishing online? most Melancholy way?? Your guess is as good as we are, but assuming the internet still exists, this won’t be fixed overnight. By the way, all of them happen to be part of the nurse’s worldview.

“He told me I was making a serious denial if he had never understood that he was right and that the world was collapsing around us,” Brandenburg. Wife stated in a recently filed affidavit Divorce court.. “He continued to say that the government is planning a cyberattack and is planning to shut down the power grid.”


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