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Not surprisingly, Trump left behind many clues that wouldn’t go quietly.

Not surprisingly, Trump left behind many clues that wouldn’t go quietly.


When Trump supporters went to the Capitol from the President and were advised to “fight like hell” against “stolen” elections, all the culminations that took place on Wednesday were with Parliamentary police officers and 4 Overrun and occupied the building in an explosive confrontation that left people dead.

The mob went there very boldly by seeing Trump off at the rally, and his partisan dumped the place in the trash and live-streamed it. They thought Trump had a back.

After all, this was the president who responded to a right-wing plot to kidnap the Democratic governor of Michigan last year, commenting: Maybe it wasn’t. “

Beyond his presidency and the arc of his life, by his own words and actions, Trump hated to lose and did not own it when it happened. He succeeded in bankruptcy, turned his office setbacks into a brilliant achievement, and turned the impeachment stains into martyrdom.

Later, politicians likened it to “Banana Republic” or “Third World” practices, but in the twilight of President Trump the ultimate loss, elections, and desperate tactics that were entirely American took place. ..

Often there are winks and nods in the last four tears, and sometimes more directly — “we love you,” he told the Capitol Hill mob. He is eager to give him an affirmation in return for his respect.

It became a flammable mixture when the stakes were highest. These elements are often clearly visible in the messages delivered by tweets. (On Friday, Twitter banned Trump’s account and rejected the megaphone he chose “because of the risk of further incitement to violence.”)

“I hope I couldn’t see it coming,” said Joe Biden in the presidential election about the Capitol brawl. “But that’s not true. We could see it coming.”

Mary Trump saw it coming from her unique perspective as a clinical psychologist and Trump’s niece.

“It’s a very old feeling that he couldn’t handle from an early age. He was afraid of being held in a losing position for the first time in his life, afraid of being held accountable for his actions. “She told PBS a week after the election.

“He’s in a position to be a loser. In my family, it’s certainly … the worst you can think of,” she said. “So he feels trapped, he feels desperate … more and more angry.”

Post-election troubles were predictable, as Mr. Trump said it would happen if he lost.

A few months before the vote took place, he claimed that the system was fraudulent and was fraudulently planning to vote by mail, which could have hurt his chances by discouraging supporters from voting by mail. The more relentlessly he assassinated the process. He categorically refused to guarantee the country in advance that he would respect the results. This is not necessary for most presidents.

Prior to the election, there was no evidence that it would be contaminated, and whether appointed by the Republican Party, Democrats, or Trump himself, he and his team alleged large-scale fraud or serious proceedings in numerous proceedings. Evidence after the error was often systematically rejected as nonsense. The Supreme Court, which had three judges assigned by Trump, beat him.

“I hate defeat,” he said in a 2011 video. “I can’t stand the defeat.”

However, the aftermath of the election did not ultimately leave him a fallback, except for his pawns, who could not admit his defeat.

Trump has a long history of pursuing false, sometimes racist conspiracies rooted in right-wing extremism.

He praised supporters of QAnon, a complex Trump conspiracy theory, saying “except that they understand that they like me very much” and “becoming more popular.”

QAnon revolves around an anonymous senior official known as “Q” who shares information about the anti-Trump “deep state.” The FBI warns that conspiracy-theoretic-led militants such as QAnon are a threat to domestic terrorism.

In 2017, Trump said he had a “two-sided responsibility” for deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, a place of conflict between white supremacist groups and those protesting them. He said there were “good people” on both sides.

And during the debate with Biden, Trump did not criticize the neo-fascist Proud Boys. Instead, Mr. Trump said the group should “stop and wait.” The statement caused a big fire, and the next day he tried to bring it back.

Mr. Trump did not blame a teenager in Illinois for shooting two people and injuring a third during a summer protest on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kyle Rittenhaus pleaded not guilty to the indictment.

In October, he chose not to blame those who attempted to kidnap Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “When our leaders meet, encourage, or associate with domestic terrorists, they justify their actions and they collude,” she said. “When they stir up and contribute to malicious expression, they collude.”

For Mary Trump, her uncle’s defeat helped set the stage for the toxicity she said in November with her foresight.

Republicans in the Senate and the House of Representatives surpassed him, expanding the minority in the House of Representatives and maintaining a majority in the Senate until the Senate’s balance turned to the Democratic Party in two Georgia elections this month.

His defeat was November 3, not a party. “So he has no other responsibility,” said his niece. “So he’s probably in a position where no one can help him emotionally and psychologically. That will make it worse for our other people.”

Oren Seagull, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League’s Radical Center, called Wednesday’s attack “a logical conclusion to radicalism and a hatred of not being checked” during President Trump’s time.

“Surprisingly, you weren’t paying attention,” said Amy Spitalnick of Integrity First, a civil rights group that filed a proceeding over the 2017 Charlottesville violence.

On Thursday night, after months of provocation, Trump stabbed a unified message in a video saying, “This moment needs healing and reconciliation.”

But on Friday, he took care of “his great American patriots,” demanding that they be treated fairly, and said he would not go to Biden’s inauguration.

He admitted that the presidency was nearing the end, but did not admit defeat-couldn’t, may never-.

About all the insulting nicknames he tagged to his political opponents — sleepy, sly, crying, corrupt, crazy, a little, brain dead, wacky, pencil neck, low IQ, watermelon head, dummy, mess Sick puppy, low energy — nothing was intended to sting more than a “loser”. And nothing seems to have been stabbed as much as when the loser was him.

Copyright 2021 AP communication. all rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.

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