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Hamilton Public Health Resources Tension to Limit in COVID Second Wave


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Hamilton Public Health says there is a problem in timely follow-up of incidents and contacts, as the second wave of COVID 19 shows more alarming numbers every day. In a report to the Health Commission, Dr. Elizabeth Richardson, Head of Health, said the contact tracing department was forced to focus on the most important areas. Follow-up will only occur with the highest risk contacts.
As a result, the collection of qualitative data and some quantitative data elements was interrupted, along with the collection of detailed data, which is a social determinants of health data. The latter revelation elicited criticism from Ward One Councilor Maureen Wilson. Dr. Richardson explained that contact tracing sessions took about three hours and were short of staff due to the explosive growth of new cases. “We already know a lot about social determinants, so this issue has not been ignored,” Dr. Richardson added.

Graph showing increase in cases per 100,000 population, positive rate, effective reproduction

The councilor praised public health for devising a way to deliver the temperature-sensitive Pfizer vaccine directly to the long-term sanatorium via a refrigerated mobile unit. In yesterday’s announcement, Dr. Richardson confirmed that all caregivers, LTC staff, and designated caregivers would get all shots by January 18.

A graph showing that more than 82% of deaths occurred in long-term care facilities, and also showing that 459 Hamilton health care workers or PSW workers had the disease at some point.

The report states that after a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases was observed in late September 2020, both new British variants of the virus were detected and continue to increase as of December 2020. Surveillance in December 2020 confirmed that South African variants were detected through the routine genome. Although the data suggest that these strains may be more contagious, early analysis suggests that there is no increased risk of hospitalization or reinfection with the mutants.Currently, there are no signs that the vaccine is ineffective against these mutants and is the subject of ongoing research.

The assessment center’s business hours have been extended to meet growing demand, giving residents access to COVID testing within a day.

From a staff perspective, public health currently has 263 public health service staff and eight city officials supporting COVID-19 compliance. In late December, the ministry assigned 21 public health nurses and two health service leaders to meet growing demand. The Ministry of Health provided 11 case management staff and 33 contact tracers, which began as of January 4, 2021. The department is looking for more staff.Has started

As of January 10, 2021, Hamilton received approximately 5,800 vaccines. As of this week, individuals will begin their second vaccination. So far, more than 3,000 of Hamilton’s 6,200 staff / essential caregivers in long-term care and high-risk retirement homes have been vaccinated and more are planned for the future.

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