Coronavirus Scotland: A complete list of 15 symptoms-including the lesser-known “Covid tongue”
Symptoms of the coronavirus range from typical headaches to more bizarre signs, and it can be difficult to determine when you need to be tested.
If the weather is nice, you may have found a seasonal bug, but there are some symptoms to watch out for. Contracted Covid-19..
According to the NHS, the three main symptoms of the virus are high temperature, a new and continuous cough, and loss or change of smell or taste.
But, Other symptoms Although officially recognized in the United States, other symptoms experienced by Covid patients are flagged as potential signs of caution. “”
Many people infected with Covid have reported suffering from headaches and malaise, known as the “dark horse” of the viral symptom.
Researchers at the Zoe Covid app say that one of the most common symptoms reported before the positive test is headache, but only 3% experienced only headache and malaise.
While only 1% of app users who said they experienced headaches and malaise tested positive for the virus, researchers found that headaches (82%) were the most common in all age groups that tested positive. Reported early symptoms.
In fact, only 9 percent of Covid-positive adults aged 18-65 years did not experience headaches or malaise.
Fatigue and severe fatigue
Fatigue is the second most commonly reported symptom, and 72% of people who test positive for the virus experience this symptom.
Covid patients explained severe fatigue that even young, healthy and healthy people would be bedridden, but chronic fatigue was also cited as an ongoing and important issue for patients with “Long Covid.” Found.
According to Zoe researchers, this symptom alone is problematic in that it may not be possible to be tested without other characteristic symptoms.
sore throat
Like malaise, sore throat is a tricky symptom and may not prompt you to be tested.
However, in the Zoecovid study, more than half (52.6%) of people who tested positive had symptoms, most often in the second half of the symptoms.
By the end of the first week of symptoms, more than 9% had noticed a sore throat, compared to three-quarters of the first three days.
This symptom was more often reported by adults aged 18-65 years than by the elderly and children.
Abnormal muscle pain
US officials updated national guidelines late last year to include body pain.
The CDC has added muscle or body pain to the list of official symptoms known to appear 2-14 days after exposure.
Researchers at New York University analyzed 53 patients in Wenzhou, China, and found an association between muscle soreness and severe Covid-19 cases. Meanwhile, Zoecovid researchers found that nearly half of Covid-positive participants experienced “abnormal” muscle pain.
The NHS states that many people may actually experience joint and muscle pain after Covid because they cannot move around or exercise when they are ill, but most of these problems are after hospitalization. It should occur and improve soon.
A study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology analyzed data from 204 Covid-19 patients in Hubei Province, China, and found that nearly 50% had diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.
Researchers at the Zoe Covid Study reported that 32% of participants experienced diarrhea, and found that more than three-quarters reported diarrhea within the first week of symptoms.
Dr. Diana Gull Express : “Digestive problems and changes in bowel habits-especially loose stools and frequent toilet visits-may be the first sign that you have come up with something, not just this coronavirus.
“However, diarrhea has been reported as an early symptom in patients who were later determined to be Covid-19 positive.”
Shortness of breath is most common in adults between the ages of 18 and 65, according to researchers at the Zoe Covid app.
A total of 39% reported symptoms, compared to 34% over the age of 65 and 23% under the age of 18.
A study of the Zoe Covid app distinguishes between shortness of breath and severe shortness of breath. The most severe Covid cases require oxygen or ventilation support in the ICU.
Reported but not an official symptom
Skin rash and “Covid’s fingers and toes”
Researchers have associated various rashes, including the so-called “Covid’s fingers and toes,” with the coronavirus.
These types were noted by researchers at the Zoe Covid app and King’s College in 8.8% of study subjects who tested positive for the virus.
They decided to investigate further and investigated 12,000 people with skin rashes and confirmed suspected Covid.
The team specifically searched for images of colored races and found that 17% of respondents who tested positive for the coronavirus reported a rash as the first symptom of the disease.
One in five Coid-positive people who reported a rash said it was their only symptom.
Professor Specter, an epidemiologist at King’s College, warned that the World Health Organization (WHO) is increasing the number of rashes associated with Covid’s cases, such as skin rashes and discoloration of the fingers and toes.
Researchers warn people to be aware of these rashes.
- Hive-type rash (urticaria): Raised ridges on the skin suddenly appear, moving back and forth very quickly over hours, usually very itchy. It can be associated with any part of the body, often starting with severe itching of the palms and soles of the feet, which can cause swelling of the lips and eyelids. These rashes can appear very early in the infection, but can last for a long time.
- “Miliaria rubra” or chickenpox-type rash (miliaria rubra or blistering rash): Areas of red ridges with small itching that can occur anywhere on the body, especially the elbows and knees, and the back of the hands and feet. The rash can last for days or weeks.
- Covid’s fingers and toes: Chilblains: Reddish purplish ridges on fingers and toes. There is pain, but usually there is no itch. This type of rash is most specific to COVID-19, is common in young people with the disease, and tends to appear later.
Decreased appetite
According to experts, loss of appetite and skipping meals are important symptoms to watch out for.
According to a Zoe Covid app survey, almost half (41%) of people who test positive have lost their appetite.
Stephen Power, a racing blogger who believes he had the disease at the Cheltenham Festival last year, explained his feelings.
A Londoner said, “I slept with a severe fever, headache, mild cough and back pain for nearly four days. I’m completely exhausted and have no urge to move or eat.”
Confusion or delirium
Researchers at the Zoe Covid Symptom Study warn that this is an important symptom to watch out for in vulnerable older people.
People over the age of 65 reported that they were more confused, disoriented, and more severely short of breath than all other groups.
The discovery of delirium as a possible symptom was first revealed by a study of admission of Covid-19 patients to St. Thomas Hospital in London.
The study found that many patients with confusion and delirium had no difference in fever and cough, but older patients tended to develop fatigue and shortness of breath.
Delirium also usually affects patients who require mechanical ventilation and is caused by the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body.
Chest pain
The NHS 111 Advice Service describes chest pain as “a tight band in or around the chest or heavy weight.”
According to experts, this symptom can be shortness of breath or shortness of breath in the case of Covid.
Researchers at the Zoe Covid app found that 7 out of 20 people between the ages of 18 and 65 reported chest pain.
NHS 111 currently advises people calling for chest pain to have a Covid test only if they are also experiencing fever and cough.
One-third of Covid-positive individuals in the Zoe Covid Symptoms study noticed hoarseness.
Nearly 9 out of 10 people report symptoms by the end of the first week, suggesting that they will develop after a few days.
According to experts, other symptoms of viral illness, such as sore throat and cough, can cause hoarseness.
It can also be affected by changes in breathing and swallowing abilities.
stomach ache
As mentioned above, in a study in Hubei, China, nearly 50% experienced stomach symptoms, including abdominal pain.
According to researchers at the Zoe Covid app, about a quarter of participants experienced this symptom, and about three-quarters noticed it within the first week.
Other suspected symptoms
“Covid Tongue”
Experts have recently warned the public to be aware of the so-called “covid tongue.”
Professor Tim Spector posted a photo of the red tongue of a Covid-19 patient on Twitter as an example. Epidemiologists at King’s College London said the number of “covid tongues” and “strange mouth ulcers” was increasing.
The Zoe Covid Symptoms study is currently monitoring the condition being treated as a suspicious symptom.
Lively feeling
Some Covid-positive people describe a “boom” or “intense” sensation of running around the body.
Although not listed as an official symptom, experts speculate that sensations that may also appear in other viruses may be a sign that your body is fighting the infection. ..
Dr. Daniel Griffin, Head of Infections at ProHealthCareAssociates in the United States, suggests that this sensation may be part of an autoimmune response to the patient’s nervous system.
“Clearly it has been identified, but we still don’t know how widespread it is,” he said. New York Post.
He said that “zombie-like” sensations were often experienced in people after leaving the ICU or after removing the ventilator.
Are there any other less common symptoms to watch out for?
The World Health Organization (WHO) has put together a list of less common symptoms. This includes many of the above symptoms. These are pain and pain, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste and smell, skin rash, and discoloration of the fingers and toes.
6 Covid symptom clusters
Researchers at the Zoe Covid Symptom Study app and epidemiologists at King’s College London have identified a cluster of six common symptoms that can help determine if you are infected with the virus.
The clusters they identified are:
1. Feverless “flu-like”
No headache, loss of odor, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, chest pain, fever.
2. “Influenza-like” with fever
Headache, loss of odor, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, loss of appetite.
3. Gastrointestinal
No headache, loss of odor, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, no cough.
4. Severe level 1, malaise
Headache, loss of odor, cough, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, malaise.
5. Severe level 2, confusion
Headache, loss of odor, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, malaise, confusion, muscle aches
6. Severe level 3, abdomen and respiratory
Headache, loss of odor, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, malaise, confusion, muscle aches, shortness of breath, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
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