Eight Myths About the Covid-19 Vaccine-Dr. Wen Explains ::
CNN — According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the United States surpassed the horrifying milestone of 400,000 deaths from the coronavirus earlier last week and now reports more than 2.1 million deaths worldwide.
There are also new mutants with mutations that can make Covid-19 more contagious and possibly even more deadly. However, there are two safe and highly effective vaccines that have been approved for emergency use by the US Food and Drug Administration, and there is encouraging news.
According to CNN polls released on January 21, two-thirds (66%) of Americans are trying to get vaccinated and are now in demand far beyond supply. , 30% of Americans say they don’t.
For those who are hesitant about vaccines, what are some common myths about vaccines, and how can each of us work to address these misconceptions?
Talk to Dr. Linawen, an emergency physician and visiting professor at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, about how everyone can uncover myths, mitigate concerns, and disseminate accurate information about the Covid-19 vaccine. did.
CNN: Why is it important for everyone to know what myths are prevailing about the coronavirus vaccine?
Dr. Riana Wen: One of the key principles of public health is that messengers are often more important than messages. You are the most trusted messenger for someone. It may be your parents, your co-workers or your friends. Immunizing people is our best hope to end this pandemic and we need everyone’s help to convince people to do so.
Another principle of public health is to meet people where they are. That means trying to understand why someone hesitates about the coronavirus vaccine. People who are worried about the safety of the vaccine and those who do not believe that the coronavirus is genuine have a completely different approach. It is important to listen to someone’s concerns and deal with them with compassion and empathy.
There are many myths that patients often hear, but if the people around you express the myth, each one can say it.
CNN: Let’s talk about vaccine safety. There must be many myths around it.
Wen: The general myth is that vaccination with a coronavirus vaccine yields a coronavirus. I also hear about influenza vaccines every year. Patients often say they don’t want to get the flu vaccine because they think they will get the flu vaccine.
Neither is true. If anyone is worried about this, you can say that none of the coronavirus vaccines tested in the United States contain live viruses. Therefore, it is not possible to obtain coronavirus from the coronavirus vaccine.
Another myth is about the mRNA platform used in Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. I’ve heard that people are worried about whether vaccines will somehow affect the genetic code and alter genes.
Not true. Helps explain what mRNA technology is. The term “mRNA” stands for messenger RNA and is part of the genetic code that teaches cells how to make proteins. The protein produced by mRNA activates the immune response and teaches our body how to react to the coronavirus in future contact with the coronavirus.
It is very important to understand what mRNA does not do. It never enters the nucleus of human cells, where our DNA is contained. That is, the vaccine does not interact with people’s DNA at all and does not change the genetic code.
CNN: mRNA technology is a new technology. Many are concerned that it may be too new and too fast to develop.
Wen: There are two points here, and there are two ways to address this concern. First, mRNA technology has actually been developed for over a decade. Second, I think it is important to explain that no shortcuts were taken in the process of scientific research and approval. Yes, scientists have developed vaccines in record time. But that’s because the entire global scientific community is working. They didn’t start from scratch. After the outbreak of SARS and MERS, much work has already been done to start vaccine development.
The US and other governments have invested heavily in research. And frankly, we were fortunate in the study that we already have two safe and highly effective vaccines. However, as with other vaccines, all stages of clinical research were followed and tens of thousands of volunteers participated in the clinical trial. An external committee of independent scientists scrutinized the data and there was no shortcut to vaccine approval.
CNN: How about an allergic reaction? Is there a myth that these vaccines cause allergic reactions too much and are not safe?
Wen: It’s true that there have been some reports of allergic reactions to the vaccine. Allergic reactions can occur in virtually any medical product. At ER, we constantly treat allergic reactions to foods and medicines. They are much easier to handle than Covid-19.
At this time, it is not clear why these very rare allergic reactions are occurring. Therefore, everyone who receives the Covid-19 vaccine should stay for 15 minutes after vaccination. Also, if you have a history of severe allergic reactions, you may need to wait 30 minutes. If you have a severe allergic reaction, you can treat it with EpiPen.
There is little chance of a rare allergic reaction, but there is no reason not to vaccinate. The very realistic and substantive benefits of vaccines far outweigh the very rare (and treatable) risk of allergic reactions. People with food allergies or drug allergies can also be vaccinated. The only reason you should not be vaccinated is if you have certain known reactions to the components of the vaccine itself.
CNN: There is another myth. It doesn’t make sense to take it because you don’t know how long the vaccine will provide immunity.
Wen: This is a good starting point to admit that myths come from some sort of true place. It is true that we do not know how long the vaccine immunity will last. Previous studies have suggested that it should last for at least several months, but it is unclear whether the vaccine’s immune defenses will weaken over time. As in the case of tetanus vaccination, enough mutations can occur that require the construction of a new vaccine, and those who have already been vaccinated may need booster vaccinations. The coronavirus vaccine may become something that must be obtained each year, like the flu vaccine.
However, just because you may need to vaccinate again at some point does not mean that you should not be vaccinated for the first time. Think about the flu vaccine. Just because you have to get vaccinated every year does not mean that you should never get vaccinated.
CNN: What about young and healthy people who say that only older people or people with underlying illnesses need to be vaccinated?
Wen: Currently, if the supply of vaccines is limited, it is necessary to prioritize those who are likely to be severely ill in order to be vaccinated first. Ultimately, we want everyone to be vaccinated once they are supplied in sufficient quantities.
This is the reason. First, even young and healthy people can become very ill with the coronavirus. Although less common, deaths have also occurred in this population. Second, we need to strive for herd immunity through vaccination. This is a level at which the spread of the virus is significantly slowed down, preferably stopped. Public health experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci estimate that about 70% to 85% of the vaccinated population is needed to reach that point.
The sooner you get vaccinated, the sooner you can return to your pre-pandemic normal state and end the devastation of the disease. And that requires all of us to be vaccinated, not just the elderly and the more vulnerable.
CNN: I think you’ve met people who think they can stop wearing masks after vaccination.
Wen: Our current understanding is that the Covid-19 vaccine prevents someone from getting sick and also prevents serious illnesses that can lead to hospitalization and death. That’s really important. However, it is unclear whether the vaccine will prevent someone from becoming a carrier of the coronavirus that can infect others. Also, the vaccine appears to be 95% effective. This is surprising, but not 100%.
Therefore, you need to be careful even after you have been vaccinated. However, at some point, as vaccination approaches herd immunity, the mask can be abolished. In the meantime, think of vaccines as a life-saving tool, not a replacement for other tools.
CNN: What about those who are worried about the long-term consequences and don’t think they need to worry as long as enough people are vaccinated?
Wen: This truth-based view needs to be addressed with compassion and empathy. Studies have shown that many Americans do not like to be vaccinated first. There are many Americans who want to be the first, and now demand is much greater than supply.
Millions of people will be vaccinated in the coming months. It is reasonable to point out the examples of these people and show that the vaccine is safe and effective not only for tens of thousands of study participants, but also for tens of millions of people. .. Being vaccinated when it’s your turn and giving examples of other people in the vaccinated community can also be a great help in persuading reluctant friends and relatives.
Humility and honesty are key. The vaccine is relatively new, so the long-term effects are unknown. But add that there is no reason to believe that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects. We have a long history of developing vaccines and, scientifically, there is no evidence of long-term harm from those vaccines.
We know that Covid-19 can cause serious illness and death. We know that thousands of Americans die every day. These are also our family, friends and colleagues. Therefore, vaccination is very important. We are in the midst of a pandemic and we all need to protect ourselves and others.
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