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Australia hits China, WHO: “Our beef did not cause COVID”

Australia hits China, WHO: “Our beef did not cause COVID”


Exclusive: Australia’s official analysis of the World Health Organization (WHO) report on the origin of COVID-19 is one of the central hypotheses that the virus may have been carried to imported frozen goods and originated outside China. Was completely rejected.

In this week’s WHO month-long survey of the origins of the pandemic, the virus is active outside the Wuhan market and may have been brought from elsewhere in Southeast Asia. However, no definitive result was obtained.

Chinese scientists have taken it one step further, suggesting that it may have been used in seafood and beef imported from countries such as Australia, India and the United States.

However, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) released a summary of WHO findings yesterday, rejecting the claim and saying there was no evidence that the virus could be carried into the package.

WHO and the International Food Safety Agency itself have previously stated that there is no clear evidence that respiratory illness is primarily due to “primary transmission through human-to-human contact” and direct contact with droplets and aerosols. I was concluding.

Wuhan Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market before closing in December 2019.Photo: Alami

Wuhan Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market before closing in December 2019.Photo: Alami

“There is no clear evidence that COVID-19 is infected by food or food packaging, according to WHO, Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and international health and food safety agencies, including New Zealand,” DFAT officials said today. I concluded with the analysis I concluded.

“Australia is an exporter of safe, high-quality, price-competitive goods and services that are valued by Chinese consumers. Australia takes compliance with the requirements of importers seriously.”

Australia’s fisheries have already retreated to exports to China in recent months, largely due to diplomatic turmoil between the two governments, but have also rejected export proposals.

“There is no evidence that Australian seafood or Australian seafood packages are associated with COVID-19 infection,” Seafood Industry Australia CEO Veronica Papacosta told NewsCorp Australia.

Today, many exporters in the industry have the option of attaching official letters from the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. This is the primary secretary of the Export Veterinary Services Department, outlining safety measures that are constantly being implemented and constantly reviewed.

“Australia has a strong regulatory system and appropriate hygiene and contamination to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spreading within the scope of its activities at all Australian facilities involved in food processing and exports. We are obliged to implement control measures, “freeman wrote in part.

The Australian Meat Industry Council has again refused to comment on the proposal that cold chain storage of imported beef from Australia could be involved in the COVID-19 epidemic.

In this week’s WHO report, direct animal-to-human transmission, introduction into intermediate animal hosts, then human infection, infection through cold chain foods (potential sources of infection or surfaces acting as food itself,). And four central hypotheses have been made (including laboratory-related cases). They added that the latter is very unlikely.

There are some studies on how long the virus survives on the surface, it can survive for some time, which depends on temperature and humidity, but is a known case of those who get the coronavirus from the surface of food packaging. there is no

However, it describes the Wuhan market, which is mainly identified as the central source by the Chinese Communist Party-owned mouthpiece media group Global Times, and promotes the theory that the virus was imported into China. He pointed out that the sale includes seafood and meat. Products from around the world, including Australian and Brazilian beef.

at first Australia hits China, WHO: “Our beef did not cause COVID”


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