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US Coronavirus: Experts are concerned that the Covid-19 mutant fuel surge could be weeks ahead, but cases could decline again by the summer.


Several experts predicted on Tuesday that the highly contagious B.1.1.7 mutant, first detected in the United Kingdom, could further contribute to the proliferation of cases in just a few weeks. ..

“For example, there could be more waves than expected in April or May,” Trevor Bedford of the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center said in a briefing hosted by the center. “But I still think things will be controlled in the summer, and the virus will rarely circulate.”

The projected surge is why many experts emphasize the need to double safety measures such as face masks, social distance and avoidance of crowded areas. By helping to reduce the number of cases, the virus spreads further and has less chance of mutating, experts say.

Vaccination of as many people as possible can also greatly help delay further spikes-and the arsenal of vaccines may soon be strengthened.

Johnson & Johnson single dose Covid-19 vaccine The US Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization requirements were stated in an analysis Wednesday.

According to FDA vaccine analysis, the efficacy of Johnson & Johnson vaccine against moderate to severe / severe Covid-19 across all geographic areas is 66.9% at least 14 days after single dose vaccination and at least 28 after vaccination It was 66.1% in a day. And related Biological Products Advisory Board, an independent group of FDA advisors.

The panel will meet on Friday to review the documentation and make recommendations on whether the Johnson & Johnson vaccine should be approved.

Still, the new infectious variant “makes it difficult to completely prevent the fourth wave,” said Dr. Josh Schiffer, an infectious disease expert at Fred Hutchinson.

Is it time to delay the second dose of coronavirus vaccine?
To speed up vaccination One report The United States has suggested that it should be considered to skip the second dose of the double dose vaccine produced by Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna. According to recommendations from Mike Osterholm of the University of Minnesota Infectious Diseases Research Policy Center and his colleagues, people over the age of 65 are far more vulnerable to serious illness and death and should go to the forefront. ..

The group will promptly convene Vaccine advisors from the FDA and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine if the data support the group’s recommendations, including postponing the second vaccination until after the next surge. I asked.

“There is an opportunity for narrow and rapid closures that can use the vaccine more effectively and prevent thousands of severe cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the coming weeks and months,” the report said. Stated.

Officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, recently said the United States is continuing to vaccinate people at doses close to the recommended schedule, Fauci told CNN earlier this week: Clinical trials. “

This month, a pharmacist will inoculate Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine into a syringe at the Pop-up Community Vaccination Center in Valley Stream, NY.

Early studies raise concerns about California varieties

To date, more than 1,900 cases of the first coronavirus strains found in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil have been reported nationwide, according to CDC data.

The majority of these cases (approximately 1,881) are expert B.1.1.7 variants, and the variant previously warned by the CDC can be the predominant variant. By next month.
Lab studies suggest that Pfizer and modelna vaccines can protect against coronavirus mutants

Meanwhile, two soon-to-be-published studies also raise concerns about the impact of variants in California.

Studies suggest that mutants are not only more contagious, but can also cause more serious illnesses. However, the researchers emphasized that the study was in a very early stage, was not published or peer-reviewed, and needed more work.

A team at the University of California, San Francisco tested recent virus samples across the state and found them to be much more common. Not seen in the September sample, but by the end of January half of the sample.

Researchers also found some evidence suggesting that the mutant is more dangerous, including “increased risk of hyperoxygen demand” and “increased disease severity” associated with the mutant. I am writing a report that I observed.

Unidos en Salud’s second team, a volunteer-led collaboration between the University of California, San Francisco and another group offering high-speed Covid-19 tests in the San Francisco mission district, tested more than 8,800 people in January, 630. We have sequenced viruses from more than one person. Positive sample. They also found a rapid increase in variants.

FDA can store Pfizer vaccine at standard temperature

US officials concerned about the variant continue to work on strengthening vaccination.

New York Times Report on Tuesday The FDA will approve Pfizer’s request to allow vaccine manufacturers to store their vaccines at normal freezer temperatures rather than the ultra-low temperatures previously required.
Pfizer, Moderna and J & amp; J promise a total of 240 million Covid-19 vaccinations by the end of March

Pfizer and its partner BioNTech submitted data to the FDA on Friday to show that vaccines can be safely stored at temperatures above the current long-term storage requirements. The Times quoted two sources familiar with the company that requested anonymity and said the FDA had informed the company that the request would be OK.

The move could significantly ease the logistics of companies, as well as federal governments, states, and other groups working to distribute these vaccines.

The news looks like this Pfizer and Moderna promised to make a total of 220 One million shipments that can be shipped by the end of March. Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson has promised to get its own Covid-19 vaccine approved by the FDA later this week, allowing 20 million doses in the same time frame.
The FDA's advisor is a single-dose Johnson & amp; this week's Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.
So far, about 44.5 million Americans have been vaccinated with at least the first Covid-19 vaccine. CDC data. Over 19.8 million people are fully vaccinated. This is just over 6% of the US population.
One of the few challenges the state faces when shooting weapons Racial disparity.

In California, authorities say they will make changes to the state-wide Covid-19 vaccine reservation system after access codes distributed to poorly serviced communities have been used by outsiders to secure vaccines. I did.

According to recent data, black and Latin American residents receive a total of 19% of the state’s vaccine dose, while accounting for almost 60% of California’s Covid-19 cases. In contrast, Caucasian residents account for about 20% of state cases, while being given 32.7% of the vaccine dose.

CNN’s Maggie Fox, Sarah Moon, Cheri Mossburg, Amanda Sealy and Michael Nedelman contributed to this report.


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