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COVID cases confirmed in people in their 30s and 40s


Although the COVID-19 case rate remained in the moderate category, health officials on the North Olympic Peninsula are still alerting as the virus variant spreads throughout the state.

Recent incidents in Clallam County this week are primarily travel-related. Dr. Alison Berry, Clallam County Health Officer, said most were among people in their 30s and 40s and their children.

“It certainly reminds us people of that age group that they are not immune to the virus,” she said. “So if you’re under 65, continue to think carefully about the rally.”

According to county public health data, Clallam County confirmed three new cases on Thursday, while Jefferson County was stable with no new cases.

Several more infectious variants of the new coronavirus are endemic around the world, with variants in South Africa and the United Kingdom found in states, primarily King County.

Known variants are not yet thought to cause more serious symptoms, but are more contagious and do not require relaxation with preventive guidelines such as wearing masks, social distance, and hand washing, Jefferson County said. Health officer Dr. Tom Rock said.

“Strong progress”

“We are really calm about the transmission of the disease now, but if people do the wrong thing, that is, if people are vigilant and open too much, there will be a fourth wave in the variants. Let’s do it, “Rock said. “Now we need people to understand how serious this is.

“So far, this is a very painstaking progress and we must do our best to prevent a setback.”

Berry agreed.

“We know that variants continue to spread. The best protection in the community for it is to follow the COVID-19 safety guidelines, limit collection, especially travel. Travel outside the county. The state will increase the likelihood of bringing COVID-19 variants into our community, “she said.

According to Berry, the Port Angeles High School vaccination clinic will be expanded from the first weekend of March to people aged 50 and over who live in multigenerational households.

A multi-generational household is defined as someone over the age of 50 or older living with their grandchildren.

She added that reservations for this weekend’s Saturday and Sunday clinics at Port Angeles High School for Phase 1A members and residents aged 65 and over are still available from around 4 pm Thursday.

Qualified Claram residents can make reservations at If you need to schedule by phone, you can call 360-417-2430.

According to Berry, the Jamestown Sklaram Swim Clinic is scheduled for March next Wednesday at 9am.

Jefferson Healthcare makes vaccination appointments through “When is my turn?”List of Sign-ups for Jefferson County Residents 65+ or Jefferson Healthcare Patients

Local statistics

The test positive rate in Clallam County (the percentage of tests returned positive) was 2.2% from February 8th to February 22nd. Clallam County Public Health data.

The test positive rate for Jefferson County was 0.51 percent from February 15th to 21st.

So far this month, Clallam County has identified 53 COVID-19s, or about 5.31 percent of the 999 confirmed since March last year, according to Clallam County data.

According to Jefferson County Public Health Data, Jefferson County confirmed 29 COVID-19s this month. This is about 8.71% of the 333 cases confirmed since March last year.

As of Thursday, 13 COVID-19 cases were active in Clallam County. There were five active incidents in Jefferson County.

Both counties are in the medium-risk category of the state, with a case rate of 50 per 100,000 in the last two weeks of Thursday in Clallam County and 28.21 per 100,000 in the two weeks prior to Saturday in Jefferson County.


Jefferson County Reporter Zack Jabronski can be reached by extension 360-385-2335. 5, or at [email protected]

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