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Some people may jump the COVID-19 vaccine line in the second phase of deployment: Bogoch


Members of the Ontario Vaccine Task Force have stated that some people “absolutely” jump the COVID-19 vaccine line during the second phase of state deployment, but this issue is more of a family issue. It states that it can be reduced at least partially by having a doctor manage it. shot.

The Ford government has stated that it will prioritize approximately 3 million people in their existing condition as part of the next phase of vaccine deployment, but has given most details on how to identify those people and verify their medical history. not.

That led to some concerns about cue jumps, which ultimately means that the most endangered people with serious consequences from COVID-19 have to wait longer for their shots. maybe.

“Listen that it won’t be perfect. Candidates in the first half of Phase 2 and the second half of Phase 2 who have expanded primary care and knew the patient in the clinic and have not completely resolved this issue. “Several honor systems,” Dr. Issac Bogoch, an infectious disease specialist at the Vaccine Task Force in Ontario, told CP24 on Tuesday morning, even if individuals who knew who they were were vaccinated. And you know this isn’t perfect. Some people will cross the line, there will be, there will definitely be. This will be a challenge for the police. “

The Ford government has provided a list of 24 health conditions that qualify residents for vaccines ahead of the general public, categorizing them into three categories: highest risk, high risk, and risk.

Bogoch said he doesn’t think the cue jump problem will be a serious problem for the state, especially given the fact that the vaccine itself will be a much more “limited resource” in the coming months.

The government said it needed to find a better way to confirm the condition, but admitted to some extent that we had to rely on the goodwill of the people to wait for the vaccination turn.

“It’s probably a two-tenth or three-third problem, but it’s being billed as an eleven-tenth problem,” he said.

The ministry says people with existing conditions cannot book appointments online

In a statement submitted to CP24, a spokesperson for Health Minister Christine Elliott said plans were still underway on how the state would deal with people in existing conditions.

However, a spokesperson said, “These individuals typically do not make reservations through the state’s online booking portal or receive vaccines at mass vaccination clinics.”

Instead, spokespersons say that most of the vaccinations given to people with existing conditions are “through other channels such as specialized clinics, or through existing healthcare providers who already have personal health records at hand. It will be administered. “

Of course, some are concerned about whether the most vulnerable people will actually receive the first shot in the second wave, especially when looking at the huge number of Ontarios in their existing state.

Dr. Michael Warner, Chief of Emergency and Critical Care at Michael Garon Hospital, told CP24 on Tuesday that the problem was that the government had set up a “non-specific about what respiratory illness is and what it is.” Said. What is heart disease? “

He warned that it could lead to widespread abuse, especially if his doctor was locked out of the process.

“This means that those who need the vaccine most are not triaged to get the vaccine faster than others, and their doctors are also separated from the whole process,” he said. Said. “They have the best equipment to triage their patients, assuming they have a carving to ensure access to patients who do not have a family doctor.”

Ontario says it wants to vaccinate an additional 7.5 million people as part of the second phase of vaccine deployment.

Other priority groups include seniors, key workers, people who cannot work from home, and residents and staff in a collective environment.


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