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Intestinal Cancer Screening Capsules Latest Home Care Trends | Intestinal Cancer

Intestinal Cancer Screening Capsules Latest Home Care Trends | Intestinal Cancer


As an extension of patient self-care, people can check if they have intestinal cancer by swallowing a small capsule containing a miniature camera.

By what the experts explained as a trend towards more NHS Home care accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic allows thousands of people in the UK to avoid the discomfort of inserting a camera into their intestines by swallowing capsules the size of cod liver oil tablets instead. I will.

Pictures sent from the body during a painless procedure help doctors determine if a person has intestinal cancer, the second most deadly disease in the UK.

The UK NHS boss said this procedure, known as colon capsule endoscopy, is an example of increasingly developed “sci-fi” medicine to improve care. One of the country’s top doctors said capsules represent a major shift in healthcare from hospitals, where more and more home-based illnesses are diagnosed and treated.

“As we get out of the’peak covid’and pandemic turmoil, the NHS is now driving real innovation to expand our services to meet many other conditions. That’s why we’re trying out these ingenious capsule cameras to allow more people to be investigated for cancer quickly and safely, “said Sir Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS England. I will.

“Sci-fi-sounding sounds are becoming a reality. As these tiny cameras pass through your body, they take two pictures per second and other conditions such as cancer and Crohn’s disease. Check for signs of. “

The NHS England test of 2 cm long capsules follows last month’s decision to send HomeKit to 31,000 women in London. Test for signs of cervical cancer Overcome the annoyance and discomfort of having a human papillomavirus smear test with a nurse or doctor.

Approximately 11,000 patients with potential symptoms of intestinal cancer are offered the option of swallowing capsules instead of standard endoscopy. The latter involves an invasive process in which a small camera attached to a thin, flexible wire is guided to someone’s body and then around their large intestine, where they take pictures.

In contrast, in colon capsule endoscopy, a patient visits a nurse who wears a belt and receiver on his waist to take a picture, then takes a capsule, goes home, and uses a laxative to clean the intestines. And the camera has a clear image.

Pill cam miniature camera
“Pill Cam” displayed next to the pen for size reference Photo: NHS England / PA

This process takes 5-8 hours. Pictures of the intestines are sent wirelessly from the capsule and later given to a cancer specialist to help determine if the person has bowel cancer. 16,600 people a year.. The patient excretes the capsule when going to the bathroom.

This test is already in use throughout Scotland. The NHS there found that most patients tested this way were cancer-free and had no risk or complications in what was called the ScotCap test.

Professor Andrew Goddard, President of the Royal College of Physicians, said: [for the NHS in England].. As technology evolves, more and more tests can be run at home. This would be great if everyone had access to it.

“For colon capsules, I hope this eliminates the need for some people to undergo colonoscopy, but many say that it is the worst part of colonoscopy. You need to be prepared and you have to come to a hospital or clinic to be given a capsule and a monitoring device. “

Professor Peter Johnson, professor of cancer clinical director at NHS England, said the latest initiative in home care shows that the service is rapidly tracking new ways of treating and diagnosing cancer. It responded to many hospital-based cancer treatment interruptions during the pandemic by delivering chemotherapeutic drugs to thousands of patients who were unable to receive radiation therapy. “This is another example of the NHS adopting the latest innovative treatment options and providing the NHS to patients.”

Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: I am interested in seeing the results of the exam.

“GP prepares for a surge in suspected cancer cases after Covid, and new capsule cameras and new tests for cervical cancer allow more patients to monitor and manage their health at home without embarrassment or discomfort. It’s a welcome development that allows us to do it. “

The endoscopy team at University College London Hospital NHS Trust has already used capsules to detect intestinal cancer.

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