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American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference-Presentation 57-ScienceDaily


Taking the triglyceride-lowering drug icosapentethyl increases the risk of stroke in people at high risk for cardiovascular disease who already use statins to control bad cholesterol levels, according to a preliminary study published in the American Stroke. It has been reduced by 36%. Association International Stroke Conference 2021. The Virtual Conference, March 17-19, 2021, is the world’s premier conference for researchers and clinicians dedicated to the science of stroke and brain health.

“Icosapentethyl is a new way to further reduce the risk of stroke in patients with atherosclerosis, or those who are at high risk of stroke, have elevated triglyceride levels, and are already taking statins,” he said. Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, Reed said. Author of the study and Executive Director of the Intervention Cardiovascular Program at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart and Vascular Center in Boston.

Icosapentethyl is a prescription drug that is a highly purified form of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid. “The purity is very different from over-the-counter omega 3 fatty acid supplements, and these results don’t apply to supplements,” said Bart, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Icosapentethyl was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in July 2012 as an adjunct to dietary changes to lower triglycerides in people with very high triglyceride levels (above 500 mg / dL). Triglycerides are fats from food that are carried into the blood. Normal levels for adults are less than 150 mg / dL.

In late 2018, a multinational study of 8,000 people, the REDUCE-IT trial found that icosapentethyl was a statin drug with heart disease, diabetes, or triglyceride levels above 150 mg / dL and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels already. In this study, the addition of icosapentethyl (compared to placebo) caused serious cardiovascular events (heart attack, heart-related death, stroke, need for arterial opening surgery, or hospitalization for heart-related chest pain). Risk has been reduced by 25%. ..

In December 2019, the FDA approved icosapentethyl as a second-line treatment to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in adults with elevated triglyceride levels. Currently recommended by some expert guidelines. Icosapentethyl is not included in the American Heart Association’s 2018 Cholesterol Guidelines published online before the key results of REDUCE-IT became available.

In the current analysis, REDUCE-ITStroke, researchers conducted an additional analysis of the effect of icosapentethyl on stroke in the same 8,000 participants in the original REDUCE-IT trial. They found:

  • The risk of initial fatal or non-fatal ischemic stroke was reduced by 36% in patients treated with icosapentethyl.
  • Approximately 14 strokes were avoided for every 1,000 patients treated with icosapentethyl for 5 years.And
  • The risk of hemorrhagic stroke was very low and there was no difference between those taking icosapentethyl.

“Know your triglyceride levels. If you have elevated triglyceride levels, talk to your doctor if you need to take icosapentethyl to further reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke,” Bhatt said. Stated. “Doctors also recommend losing weight if needed to reduce diet, exercise, and triglyceride levels, and may prescribe statins if needed to lower LDL cholesterol levels.”

“One of the limitations of the study is that icosapentethyl can increase the risk of mild bleeding,” Bhatt added.

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material Provided by American Heart Association.. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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