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Studies suggest that deep sleep may heal traumatic brain injury


Has been updated:
March 13, 2021 09:20 IS

Washington [US], March 13 (ANI): Deep sleep Night is very important to me as a whole healAnd now, another benefit of a good night’s sleep has become apparent.New research discovered it Deep sleep Play an important role in healing Traumatic Brain injury.
The results of this study were published in the Journal of Neurotrauma. The study used new technologies, including magnetic resonance imaging, developed at Oregon Health & Science University.
Researchers used MRI to assess the enlargement of the space around the blood vessels in the brain. The expansion of these spaces occurs with age and is associated with the development of dementia.
Among the veterans who participated in the study, those who lacked sleep had more evidence of these enlarged spaces and had more symptoms after concussion.
“This has a huge impact on civilians as well as the military,” said Juan Piantino, MD, MCR, an assistant professor of pediatrics (neurology) at OHSU School of Medicine and Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. ..
“This study suggests that sleep may play an important role in removing waste products from the brain,” Piantino added. Traumatic Brain Injury-And if you don’t sleep well, you may not be able to clean your brain efficiently. “
Piantino, a physician scientist at OHSU’s Pape Family Pediatric Research Institute, is studying the effects of sleep deprivation on recovery. Traumatic Brain injury..
The new study will be co-authors of the study, Daniel Schwartz and Erin Boespflug, Ph.D., under the guidance of OHSU School of Medicine neurology professors Lisa Silbert, MD and MCR. Benefited from the method of analyzing MRI developed by. This technique measures changes in the perivascular space of the brain, which is part of the brain’s waste removal system known as the grintic system.
“We were able to measure this structure very accurately and count the number, location, and diameter of the channels,” says Piantino.

Dr. Jeffrey Iriff, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral science and neurology at the University of Washington and a researcher at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, led scientific research into its role in the lymphatic system and neurodegeneration. I’ve been doing it. Conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. During sleep, this network throughout the brain wipes out metabolic proteins that would otherwise accumulate in the brain.
The study was collected from a group of 56 veterans enrolled by co-authors Elaine Peskind, MD and Murray Raskind, MD at the VA Paget Sound Mental Illness Research and Education Clinical Center between 2011 and 2019. I used the data.
“Imagine your brain producing all this waste and everything is working well,” Piantino said.
“I had a concussion. The brain produces more waste products that need to be removed, but the system gets clogged,” said Piantino.
Piantino said the new study suggests that the technology developed by Silbert may help older people.
“In the long run, you can start thinking about using this method to predict who is at increased risk of cognitive problems such as dementia,” he said.
This study is the latest in an ever-growing series of studies that emphasize the importance of sleep in the brain. health.
Sleep improvement is a modifiable habit that can be improved in a variety of ways, including better sleep hygiene habits such as shortening the screen time before bedtime, Piantino said.
“This study puts sleep at the epicenter of recovery. Traumatic Brain injury, “Piantino concludes. (ANI)


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