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All adults in the UK will receive the first dose of the Covid vaccine by early June.


The UK is set to provide the first dose to all adults two months earlier than planned, a new report claims (Photo: Getty Images).

The UK plans to offer the first Covid jab to all adults by June 10. A new analysis suggests.

If a milestone is achieved, it’s almost Two months before the government’s goal of 31 July – And just in time for “all social restrictions will be lifted” on June 21st.

According to research firm Airfinity, the country will provide a single dose to all adults by the first week of August, two months earlier than the EU. Times..

Germany could also hit the same milestone on July 7th before other Europe.

The country has purchased an additional dose of Pfizer jab to increase the supply of vaccines secured by the EU.

France, on the other hand, is on par with the continent and may have hit each adult by early August.

Analysis suggests that the EU is two months behind (Photo: Getty Images)
The government’s goal is to vaccinate all adults by the end of July (Photo: Getty Images).

After the UK extended the gap between the first and second doses from 3 to 12 weeks, providing more people with some protection as soon as possible.

The EU is lagging behind vaccination programs amid concerns about another wave of infection in many countries.

Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi recently revealed that the UK is looking to see a “rapid increase” in vaccine supply. Later this month.

The UK vaccination program was praised after the government was severely criticized for dealing with a pandemic.

Former Brexit secretary David Davis previously claimed: If we were still in the EU, those who weren’t would die. There’s nothing to ring a crow, it’s just the truth. ”

The UK has one of the highest Covid deaths in the world, with official figures currently at 125,343.

According to the latest government data, a total of 8,404 people are currently hospitalized, of which 1,194 are on ventilator.

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Robert Yates, a World Health Organization (WHO) health economist, said Western countries in the Times are “looking ahead” in the vaccine competition.

He said that Prime Minister Boris Johnson “pulled the rabbit out of his hat, [UK’s] Previous failure. “

This week, UK restrictions were slightly relaxed, allowing students to return to school and allow two people from different households to meet for a picnic.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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