Women’s Health: Colon Endoscopy
Albany, NY (NEWS10)-Women may be under the false assumption that they have a lower risk of colorectal or colon cancer than men. The risk of developing one of these cancers is about the same in men and women, Dr. Mehmet Oz said in an interview with Christina Arangio in NEWS10.
Polyps are sometimes precancerous or cancerous and are removed during colonoscopy. Dr. Oz used himself as an example of how important it is to have a procedure.
“I had an adenomatous polyp when I was 50. I’m not overweight. I have no history. He cut it out while the doctor was there, they took it out. , And I’m done, I don’t have to worry about the chemotherapy or radiation or surgery I’ve done, it’s done, “he said.
For some people, preparing for a colonoscopy can cause more anxiety than the actual procedure. This includes using laxatives to clean the colon the day before colonoscopy and eating clear foods.
“My little secret professional tip on preparation. Stop eating solids the day before preparation begins, and the intestines are already quite empty, so there’s just liquid in them. So when you’re ready, there’s nothing, “Dr. Oz said.
Prepare for colonoscopy from Harvard Health
- Make sure you understand the intestinal preparation procedure long before the procedure.
- Get a tack-like medicated wipe or an adult wipe that contains aloe and vitamin E.
- Eat a low-fiber diet free of whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, raw fruits and vegetables a few days before the procedure.
- Consider time and privacy on the day of bowel preparation.
- Keep clear liquids other than water (coffee / tea, clear soup, sports drinks such as gatorade, popsicles, Italian ice, jelly) on hand.
- On the day of bowel preparation, dress loosely and stay near the bathroom.
Facts of colonoscopy
- In most cases it will take 30-60 minutes.
- A sedative is given to the patient for the procedure.
- A colonoscope is inserted into the rectum, allowing other instruments (ie, the instruments needed to perform a biopsy or removal of polyps) to pass through the scope.
- Recovery from sedatives takes about an hour.
- The patient should arrange for a return home after the procedure.
- Depending on the results of your colonoscopy, your doctor may recommend a temporary special diet.
- Patients may have gas, a feeling of fullness, or a small amount of blood on their first bowel movement after surgery.
*Source: Mayo Clinic
“These cancer cells start out as tiny little ones and it’s so beautiful to be able to cut them out before they cause big problems,” said Dr. Oz. “60% of deaths from colorectal cancer can be prevented by screening, except for skin cancer. Colorectal cancer is diagnosed as the third most common cancer in the United States. It’s so common that you need to worry. is.”
If you are a woman over 40 years old who does not have health insurance and meet the income requirements, St. You are eligible for free colorectal cancer screening through Peter’s HealthPartners. For more information, call (518) 525-8680 or Visit their website..
Women living in Fulton, Montgomery, or Schenectady County Cancer service program (518) At 841-3726. A list of programs that offer free colorectal cancer screening throughout New York NYS Ministry of Health website..
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