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29% similarity between coronavirus and rubella virus helps MMR vaccine repel COVID-19: a study


MMR vaccine
(Photo: Photo of Reuters Connect)

Scientists at the University of Cambridge argue that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines can protect people with severe COVID-19. According to their findings, the rubella virus has a structure similar to SARS-CoV-2.

Principal Investigators Professor Robin Franklin and Dr. Yorgo Modiz, Structural similarities between coronavirus and rubella How vaccines can protect coronavirus patients can be suggested. They pointed out 29% similarity between the two viruses.

They believe that because of these structural similarities, someone with a well-developed immune system, including antibodies to rubella, may partially repel COVID-19.

The team argues that if the body was forced to cultivate antibodies targeting one virus, but could also attach to another virus, it could be. They added that the molecule found in SARS-CoV-2 was found in previous studies to bind rubella antibodies.

In an attempt to justify their theory, the team studied blood samples from patients with coronavirus in the UK and studied signs of rubella immunity in patients with moderate to severe illness. Their approach proved to be accurate when higher levels of immunity were seen among severely ill patients after their recovery.

They said that the antibody patients developed during the course of the COVID-19 disease process was consistent with rubella antibodies, demonstrating that their theory works either way. Earlier infections with coronaviruses could protect people from rubella and vice versa.

The researchers also pointed out that older adults were less likely to have been vaccinated with the vaccines that emerged in the 1960s and were at the highest risk of coronaviruses.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have acknowledged that the data they collect is still in the preparation stage and has limited data. The results of their study show that MMR does not prevent COVID-19, Reduce the chance of causing bad results From infection.

Also read: Scientists have developed a portable coronavirus test kit that returns results in less than 20 minutes at an affordable price of $ 120.

MMR Most controversial vaccine Andrew Wakefield falsely accused him of causing autism among anti-Baxer after a British doctor.

Researchers have found that British parents are one of Europe’s most reputable anti-boxers, with one in thirty claiming to be “absolutely against all vaccines.”

CochraneIt researched the MMR vaccine, a UK policy agency, and said the MMR, MMRV, and MMR + V vaccines were effective in preventing children from being infected by measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox. They reported that there was no evidence that the vaccine increased the risk of autism and encephalitis and was less likely to cause febrile seizures.

The Cochrane Review is considered the gold standard for research because it systematically surveys multiple studies of subjects over time.

The authors found that there was little or no difference in the rate of autism between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. They added that the risks posed by the disease far outweigh the risks of vaccines given to prevent them.

Also read: The Texas Coronavirus Rapid Antibody Test is not FDA approved. Amarillo health authorities warned

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