COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Brings Peace of Mind and Joy | COVID-19
EAU CLAIRE — Jessica Ives fired a hoop and threw his arm into the air.
Not a typical reaction after someone stabbed a sharp needle in the arm, but this was a vaccination with COVID-19, which is not a normal virus.
Ives was one of about 870 people expected to be vaccinated against COVID-19 at the Oakrea Municipal Health Department’s Vaccination Clinic in North High School on Wednesday.
“I can’t believe this day is actually here,” Ives said. “It’s great to see so many people here and so many people helping.”
Perhaps retired doctor Sue Rowe, who has volunteered in a number of such clinics over the past two months, best summarizes it in this recent Facebook post: “The Happiest Place in Medicine.” Is a vaccine clinic! “
From vaccinated people to volunteers to patients, the clinic offers an overwhelmingly positive atmosphere, said Rowe of Altoona. His role was primarily to create vaccine doses.
“People are happy to be there,” Rowe said.
Health Director Lieske Giese agreed that the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic is a literally figurative shot for the local population.
“It really opens a whole new door for the health of our community, our school, our business, our healthcare system and our family.” We all need it. is.”
The details varied by clinic attendees, but the themes were overwhelmingly similar. Everyone wants to be vaccinated, hoping that they will eventually return to the normal sensations they lacked since the COVID-19 pandemic struck the Chipewa Valley a year ago. Some mean seeing their grandchildren again, while others mean living their daily lives without fear of getting a fatal illness.
For Ives, who lives in Madison but has been in Augusta as his father’s caregiver since November, this shot gave her hope. She is looking forward to feeling some protection as she will perform her errands and expect to meet again with her friends.
“We were cautious for a year, but I’m happy to see the end,” said Ives, who had a clear smile under his mask.
Matthew Martin of Oakrea, wearing a Milwaukee Brewers cap and mask, called it the first step in getting the vaccine back to normal.
Martin met with dozens of other people in the northern cafeteria on Wednesday, setting up a 15-minute waiting period to check the reaction before they left. A building with initial protection against viruses.
Stephanie Powers of New Richmond was excited to take the coveted slot at Eau Claire’s Wednesday clinic just on the third day of his qualification at Wisconsin.
“It’s a relief, a complete relief,” Powers said, explaining her reaction to the early vaccination moment. “This is really a big deal.”
She said it was rewarding to participate in something that symbolized the beginning of the end of the pandemic. It killed more than 2.7 million people worldwide, 544,000 in the United States, and 538 in the district of 12 counties around Eau Claire.
She said vaccination would provide an opportunity to meet friends and family again, who had been avoided for a year due to safety concerns.
Asked how she would celebrate this opportunity, Powers said, “I’m going to have dinner with my family and hug them. That’s what I miss most.”
Similarly, Brittany and Jacob Pauls Rud of Auclair said they woke up last Saturday with a text message indicating their new vaccination qualifications. Brittany shouted with joy.
“This was the best text message I’ve ever had in my life,” said Brittany, who has touched many people through his work as a beautician and food server.
Jacob agreed, adding, “It was like waking up on Christmas morning.”
Paulsruds was even happier when he was able to make a waiting appointment at the end of the Memorial High School Ministry of Health vaccination clinic that day and received the clinic’s final dose.
Audrey Bonner, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health’s pandemic response, said a large number of volunteers and staff have enabled the clinic.
“They are willing to help and I am very happy to be part of this effort,” said Bonner. “They all know that each shot can save lives.”
Lissa Seedow of Oakrea is one of those who volunteered to help in several clinics. She called it the labor of love.
“It’s the happiest volunteer experience I’ve ever had. People aren’t just excited about getting the vaccine, they’re excited,” says Siedow. “It means that everyone is gathering to get rid of this trivial thing.”
Vaccines are also given by healthcare providers and pharmacies, and progress is being made daily towards that goal. As of Wednesday, 28.5% of the population of Eau Claire County, or 29,861, had been vaccinated with at least one COVID-19 vaccine. The numbers were 27.2% in Chippewa County, or 17,595, and 21.3% in Dunn County, or 9,644.
The pace of inoculation is also accelerating. In total, the three counties received an average of 8,885 doses per week in February. By last week, the total dose given in the county had risen to 11,792.
That number should increase even further when the Federal Emergency Management Agency opens a mass vaccination site on April 8 in the UW-O’Claire Zone Arena, which can inject 1,200 arms per day.
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