Explore how storytelling metaphors cluster in popular movies
An analysis of movie metaphors (common storytelling elements found in different movies) examines combinations of metaphors that tend to co-occur in movies and identifies patterns that help develop new movies. Pablo García-Sánchez and Juan Merelo of the University of Granada, and Antonio Velez-Estevez and Manuel Cobo of the University of Cadiz in Spain have published their findings in an open access journal. PLOS ONE March 31, 2021.
Many films incorporate previously successful metaphors such as Hero’s Journey and Chekhov’s Gun. Analyzing the metaphors of movies and other cultural media can provide insights into the work itself and how people consume them.
To better understand the movie metaphors, García-Sánchez and colleagues identified and analyzed the metaphors that tend to gather in the same movie. To that end, they developed two analytical methods, a methodology based on Scientometrics and Complex Network Analysis, with 25,766 trope found in various combinations in 10,766 films, and data on film ratings, genres, and popularity. I applied it. The data came from the popular websites TV and
Analysis revealed the existence of 42 metaphorical clusters, some of which appeared in thousands of films and some of which appeared in only one. Some clusters were associated with a particular genre, and some clusters were associated with movies that were more average rated and popular than those found in other clusters. For example, a cluster centered around the Dramatic Unmask metaphor also included the Bad Liar and Face Framed in Shadow metaphors. This cluster had an average rating of about 6.51 and was associated with movies that included Crazy Rich Asians and Saw IV.
The analysis also identified different levels of development between clusters. For example, some metaphorical combinations have long appeared in many different films (including dramatic unmasked clusters). Other metaphorical clusters may be in reduced use and some have just emerged, but further analysis is needed to understand these clusters.
The authors state that the data they used has a popularity bias towards more recent movies. Nonetheless, their discoveries and methodologies developed to generate them may help future research and inform the creation of new films.
The author adds, “As they always say,” all situations have already appeared in The Simpsons. ” These repetitive situations or patterns in the media are called “metaphors.” This paper proposes the concept of “troposphere”. Model the relationship between the metaphors and the work in which they appear (the movie in this treatise). The troposphere provides a quantitative approach to the analysis of narration. This can easily be translated into a story-generating methodology. A critical analysis of past stories. “
Quotes: García-Sánchez P, Velez-Estevez A, Julián MereloJ, Cobo MJ (2021) The Simpsons did it: A survey of film tropics and their large scale structures. PLoS ONE 16 (3): e0248881. https: /
Funding: This work is led by Project DeepBio (TIN2017-85727-C4-2-P, JJM) (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Gobiernode España (ES)) and Project iScience (PID2019-105381GA-I00, MJC). ) (Ministerio españolde Cienciae Innovacíon). The funder was not involved in study design, data collection and analysis, publication decisions, or manuscript preparation.
Competitive Benefits: The author has declared that there are no competing interests.
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