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Allergies or side effects of COVID-19 vaccination?the difference


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Experts say when It is important that symptoms and side effects appear.Raquel Arosena Torres / Getty Images
  • The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine can resemble allergies, the flu, and even the symptoms of COVID-19 itself.
  • According to experts, this vaccine can cause muscle aches, malaise, fever, and chills, but probably no taste or smell loss, runny nose, or sore throat.
  • Experts also point out that most side effects occur within two weeks of vaccination.

You wake up in the morning with a cough, headache and malaise.

Do you have COVID-19? Allergies? influenza? Or COVID-19 vaccination??

All can show similar symptoms.

“There is a huge amount of duplication.” Dr. David CutlerA family doctor at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California told Healthline.

However, there are some clues that can help you determine exactly what is afflicting you.

If you have recently been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, or single-shot Johnson & Johnson) once or twice, you may experience the following immune response: Symptoms of COVID-19..

“Anyone who receives the COVID-19 vaccine can expect to have some symptoms associated with an inflammatory response to the vaccine.” Dr. Sanjeve Jain, A board-certified allergist and immunologist for Columbia Allergies told Healthline.

“That’s how the body develops antibodies to the virus,” Jain said. “It’s positive and expected.”

In addition to injection site pain, redness, and pain, side effects of the vaccine include fatigue, headache, myalgia, chills, fever, and nausea. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)..

It closely resembles the symptoms of COVID-19.

But it’s not accurate.

For example, if you do not have a new taste or smell loss, sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose, or diarrhea, you may have a response to the vaccine instead of COVID-19.

COVID-19 can also cause breathing problems and chest tightness. According to the CDCHowever, it has nothing to do with the response to the vaccine.

when It is also an important indicator that you start to feel sick.

“If it’s been more than two weeks after vaccination, it’s very unlikely that you’re experiencing side effects from the vaccine, and it’s unlikely that you have COVID-19,” Cutler said. “If it’s less than two weeks, it’s all mixed.”

Most side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine appear to go away within 3 or 4 days of vaccination.

“They tend not to last long or be non-severe,” Cutler said.

He said cases of COVID-19 were reported within two weeks of the first vaccination due to the recipient’s lack of vigilance.

“If they had held up a little longer, they would have been completely protected,” he said.

“No one gets COVID-19 from the vaccine itself, but by the time you get the vaccine, you’re out of luck and you can get it,” Jain added. “If you’re worried, you can get a nasal swab (COVID-19 test) to determine if you have COVID-19.”

The side effects of both COVID-19 and the vaccine can be similar to those of seasonal flu.But as Cutler pointed out, the flu Virtually nonexistent This season.

“This year, the flu will be a very rare disease,” he said.

But what about Seasonal allergies And asthma??

Like COVID-19, allergies and asthma can cause breathing problems. Allergies can also cause sneezing, stuffy nose, and runny nose.

Although less common, allergic symptoms include headaches, wheezing, and coughing.

However, allergies rarely cause fever, chills, muscle aches, malaise, or nausea like the COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines.

A proper diagnosis requires a detailed medical history to determine if people have a history of allergies or asthma, and whether these conditions are well controlled, Cutler said. It was.

“With good control of asthma, a new cough is unlikely to result in asthma,” he said.

Similarly, Jains say: “It’s not uncommon to have a cough or runny nose during the allergic season. If it’s similar to what you usually get in the spring, it’s probably just your allergies.”

However, Jain pointed out that some people have an allergic reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine and have allergic-like symptoms such as itching and hives.

Allergic reactions are generally mild, but in rare cases they can be severe and even life-threatening, Jain said.


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