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San Clemente Allergy Tracker: Pollen, Sneezing, Misery


San Clemente, CA — The budding trees, blooming flowers, and vibrant green grass tones that many San Clemente residents enjoy promise misery, sneezing, and suffering to those suffering from seasonal allergies.

For example, take this video from the Austin Diagnostic Clinic. In this video, pollen bursts when someone shakes a cedar tree from below.

It’s an allergic nightmare made right there.

Also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies can make you miserable by any name. But that’s what they say in the sports world — the best defense is a good attack.

Other than hoarding tissues, antihistamines, decongestants, and netipots (if you’re so lucky you don’t know what this is, see below), there’s a little prevention and preparation when it comes to avoiding side effects. Of allergies that will help a lot.

Check your daily allergy forecast in Orange County

Numerous sites on the Internet provide weekly or daily allergy predictions. This map allergy tracker by gives you a glimpse of current allergy predictions for cities and metropolitan areas.

by tracker, Orange County is in medium-high pollen state. The top allergens in the city are mulberry, ash and walnut.

In San Clemente, mid-high pollen counts are 8.8 on Fridays and Saturdays, and Sunday highs are 9.1. Pollen numbers should begin to decline last Tuesday.’s Allergy Tracker can be used at any time to find the current prediction of your zip code.check San Clemente Allergy Prediction now.

Other popular allergy trackers are: Weather forecast channel And that National Allergy Bureau..

Allergies A to Z

Are you confused by the terminology of seasonal allergies? Here are some keywords to keep in mind when you notice the spring snuff case:

  • Allergen: A substance that causes an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to it.
  • Antihistamines: Drugs that prevent itching such as stuffy nose, sneezing, and runny nose.
  • Decongestant: A drug that contracts swollen nasal tissue to relieve symptoms such as swelling, congestion, and mucus.
  • Hay fever: An allergic reaction to pollen from ragweed, grass and other pollen-spreading plants.
  • Netipot: A device that looks like a small teapot, which is used for nasal irrigation. In other words, it is used to flush mucus and other debris from your nose and sinuses to improve breathing.
  • Number of pollen and mold: A measure of the amount of allergens in the air. Counts are usually reported for mold spores and three types of pollen (grass, trees, weeds).

Prevention of allergic reactions

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are some suggestions for literally allergizing to sprouts:

  • Stay indoors on dry, windy days. The best time to get out is after a heavy rain. This helps remove pollen from the air.
  • Delegate allergen-stirring lawn mowing, weeding, and other horticultural chores.
  • Take off your clothes and take a shower to wash away pollen from your skin and hair.
  • Do not hang your laundry outside — pollen can get on your sheets and towels.
  • Wear a pollen mask for outside chores.

When the number of pollen is large

There are several other things you can do to prevent an allergic reaction:

  • Check the allergy forecast for your town.
  • If you anticipate a high pollen count, start taking allergic medications before symptoms begin.
  • Close doors and windows at night and other times when pollen is high.
  • Avoid early morning outdoor activities with the highest pollen count.

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